1) Assume you have a User Registration form with below fields:
- User Name : required
- Password : required, min length is 6 and max length is 8
- Confirm Password : required and matches password field
- Email : required and email format
- Birthday: optional and date type with format (mm/dd/yyyy)
** Note: Don't use HTML5 form validation, that mean you must manually validate it. Using native javascript is a plus.
2) Please make a sample code about Javascript closure and explain it.
3) Please create an expand/collapse FAQ accordion as the following picture:
- Requirement: At a time only display an answer, with animation effect when expand/collapse the answer block.
** Note: Using native javascript is a plus.
4) Below design images are provided, include desktop, tablet, and mobile:
- Requirement: Please build a web page in a single responsive HTML structure as the design.