
  1. Click on the Adjust Request button

Transfer Request Button


By clicking on the Transfer Request button, the user will be able to inform the Warehouse that an amount of a product stock should be transferred to another Warehouse, for example in case the product is out of stock on the other fulfillment center.

In order to

Once the Transfer Request button is selected, a tab will be displayed and

Update SKU Country List Button

Buffer Button

By clicking on this button


a small tab will pop up and the user can add the Buffer quantity for the product


Once done, the user should just hit the Save button at the bottom right of the tab.

The Buffer is the amount of stock of a product that is reserved at the Warehouse in order to guarantee the fulfillment of orders placed on the Marketplace.

Delete Button

This is to remove the product from the Warehouse. Please note that this will not remove the product from the CRM, which is still available on the Products section.

In Transit


In this section, users can verify the following information:
