
  1. From the Providers page, type in the search bar the payment provider that needs a new MID

  2. On the payment provider row, go to the right side and click on the Provider Mids button that redirects the user to theMerchant ID (Mids) page

  3. From the Merchant ID (Mids) page click on the + Create New button and theNew MIDs tab will pop up

  4. Fill the New MIDs tab with the MIDs details (please note that for each payment provider, the details requested to set up a new MID may vary - check below an example of New MID tab)

    Please check below the MID options available in the MID tab, across all payment provider
    - Mid Code field: type the MID name. For instance, StripeDirectCharge@clientname-Main
    - Descriptor (Product Name) field: which has to be set as {0}
    - Dynamic Descriptor toggle: if this is set to ON, then will enable the Banking descriptors that have been configured at the product level.
    ** For more information, please check the following helpdesk article: Banking Descriptors
    - Is Active toggle: this has to be set to ON to activate the MID
    - Is Paypal Direct Debit Active toggle: this has to be set to ON ONLY if the payment provider is PayPal. Otherwise, please leave it on OFF
    - 3DS Enabled (Secure Mid) toggle: 3D Secure (3DS) adds an extra layer of protection to online shopping. With 3DS enabled, you have 2-step authentication on every online purchase - so no payments will ever go through unless you authorize them yourself.
    - Entity field: select the entity accordingly.
    **For more information, on how to set up an Entity, check the following helpdesk article: Entities.
    - Main Mid field: select the main MID if available, within the Payment Provider MIDs created.
    **Please note that funnels and campaigns that use MIDs with such option enabled, once the MID have reached the monthly limit, it is automatically blocked.
    For this reason, we generally suggest setting up multiple MIDs on the same campaign or funnel.
    - Mid Cap - Monthly Amount (USD) field: this has to be added to the maximum monthly limit that the MID can reach. This should be included ONLY if the MID has a monthly limit allowance.
    - Is Active (Mid Cap) toggle: this has to be set to ON, ONLY if the MID has the MID Cap enabled
    - Mid Card Types field: this option is visible ONLY after the MID has been configured. By selecting this field a drop-down menu will pop up, and the user can select one, a few, or all Card Types available

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    - Currencies field: add the required currencies
    - Is Active (PRN) toggle: this has to be set to ON to activate the MID

  5. To activate the MID, just switch to ON the toggle Is Active

    Please note that for PayPal providers, it is also necessary to switch to ON the toggle Is Paypal Direct Debit Active

  6. Once finished, click on the Save button, at the bottom of the tab

  7. The Payment Provider and its MIDs, have now been activated, and they are ready to be tested by the user
