Please find attached below the topics discussed on this page:

Table of Contents


The Warehouse page is subdivided into several topics, in each one of them are is filled with important information about the Warehouse and its whereabouts.


The first thing to do when setting up a new Warehouse is to fill in the Warehouse address, at the top of the page and click on Update This Information button.


By deactivating the Warehouse, new orders will not be sent there to be fulfilled, but the orders that were previously sent will still be fulfilled, and having the toggle Keep Tracking? ON, it’s going to let the Warehouse keeps notifying CRM about the fulfillment status of those orders.


The system is able to pull the full amount of stock of the Amazon products, not just in the Amazon warehouse itself, but on in the other warehouses that they kept them.


In this section, the user must add all the countries where to which the orders are shipped to.


  • The product SKU

  • The SKU Alias: are a bundle of SKUSKUs.

  • For example:

    • 30082 (Wifi Booster)

    • 30032 (Insole)

    • new alias SKU (Wifi Booster + Insole Bundle): 39999

    • CRM understands 39999 = 1x 30082, 1x 30032 for fulfillment.


By clicking on the Transfer Request button, the user will be able to inform the Warehouse that an amount of a product stock should be transferred to another Warehouse, for example in case the product is out of stock on at the other fulfillment center.

Once the Transfer Request button is selected, a tab will be displayed that the user needs to fill in with the transfer request details (see the below example)


Once all details have been included, the user should click on the Request button, the command is sent to the Warehouse, which will effectively work on it.


  1. Once the Update SKU Country List button has been selected

  2. A small tab will pop up and the user should set to ON the toggle Limit Countries?

  3. Then, by clicking on the button Please Select a Country selecting all the countries where the product can be delivered to

  4. Next, hit the Update button at the bottom of the tab

  5. Ultimately, all SKUs, which have this option enabled, are flagged with the Update SKU Country List button in yellow (see the below example)

Buffer Button


1. By clicking on the Arriving button, users can check the product(s) that are coming into the Warehouse and which have been sent from another Warehouse employed by the company (see the below example)


From each column of the table, the user can monitor:

  • What product is and what SKU belongs to it

  • The Origin is the Warehouse, from which the products are coming, which are is followed by the Column showing when the request was made, the Delivery ETA, the Quantity, etc.

  • The Actions button:
    - Edit: by clicking on this button, the user can modify the information of the Transfer displayed on the table

    using the tab that pops up

    - Check-In: by clicking on this button, the user can modify the information of the Transfer displayed on the table

    including the date of when the stock was received and the status of the product

    - Cancel: by clicking on this button, the user deletes the row and information shown on it


The system is able to pull the full amount of stock of the Amazon products, not just in the Amazon warehouse itself, but on in the other warehouses that they kept them.


Please note that if no weight limit is selected, then packages won’t be split based on weight as well as if the weight limit is selected, then we split packages based on the available weights stored at the SKU level (unit, packaging, label).


In this section, the user can add any additional information related to the warehouse by typing on the fields and clicking on the Update These Custom Fields button

