Info |
For more information about how to create more users' locations, just check the following helpdesk article: User Locations. |
Adding a role to users' CRM profile
Warning |
Please bear in mind that by changing a user role, it will change the access to the CRM sections and this can lead to a data breach. Therefore:
Click on the user’s name or Edit button
Pick a new role from the drop-down menu of the User Roles area
Click on the Add button
Click on the Save button.
Remove a role from a user profile
Click on the user’s name or Edit button
Click on the Delete button
Click on the Save button
Add a branch to a user profile
Click on the user’s name or Edit button
Pick a new role from the drop-down menu of the User Branches area
Click on the Add button
Click on the Save button
Remove a branch from a user profile
Click on the user’s name or Edit button
Click on the Delete button
Click on the Save button.
How to deactivate users' CRM profiles
Warning |
a) For DFO users, due to Security reasons, DO NOT CHANGE your other users' roles. Instead, please refer to support@dfogpc.com to assist you with this request b) For non-DFO users, please also refer to support@dfogpc.com that can assist you with this request. |
Click on the user’s name or Edit button
Turn Off the toggle
Remove any roles by clicking on the Delete button
Remove any branches, by clicking on the Delete button
Click on the Save button