Please find attached below the topics discussed on this page:
Table of Contents | ||||
How to find an order
Users have a couple of ways to look for an order, by using:
The Orders section
The Customer Lookup section.
What is on the Order Page
On the order page, multiple sections are available displaying , for each one of them, in detail the specific order information. For instance, the Product details, the Shipping History, the Payment History, etc.
Additionally, on the left side of the page, there is a small menu, with all topics available on it, and by clicking on them the user is redirected to their exact location on the page:
Order Information
In this first section, available at the top of the page, users can verify all the below information (see the below example):
Reference Number: It is a number created before generating the order number. It is an internal ID, a ReferenceID to be filed in the database so in case there is any issue while an order is created, this one can be processed or reprocessed in case of a problem in the system.
Order Status: the current status of the order. There are multiple order statuses informing the user at which stage of the purchase cycle the order is. For example : Paid, Shipping, Shipped, Delivered, etc.
Order Type: which this can be Regular, Upsell, or Recurring.
- By Regular we refer to the main order offered in the campaign.
- By Upsell, we refer, instead, to any additional product offered throughout the funnel
- By Recurring, we refer to orders with a subscription.
Language Code: the language stated in the campaign
Currency Code: the currency in which the customer has paid the order
The Order Price: the order grand total paid by the customer
The Global Order Price: the order grand total paid by the customer
Shipping and Handling: on this field appears the amount of shipping and handling, the customer’s currency, which is included in the order grand total.
Shipping and Handling USD: on this field appears the amount of shipping and handling that is included in the order order’s grand total.
Taxes detail on the Order Page
If taxes are included in the campaign, some additional field is displayed in this first section (see the below example):
Sales Taxes: the amount of taxes in the currency that the customer paid the order
Sales Taxes USD: the amount of taxes paid by the customer, in USD
Tax Rate: the percentage of taxes that are calculated on the sale
Taxes include in price?:
If the answer is Yes, it means that the taxes are included in the cost of the product and this will be reflected in the amount shown on the checkout page.
If the answer is No, then the amount of taxes will be added to the order grand total on the Checkout page, which total is higher than what customers see on the previous page as it shows just the cost of the product.
Additionally, if the tax is included in the product price, then the order grand total will still be the same. If taxes are not included in the cost of the product, the final amount that appears on the Checkout page will be higher.
For example:
The taxes are included, and they are 10% of the cost of the product. The product costs $100 so the final amount that the customer pays is $100, of which $10 is taxes.
The taxes are not included in the cost of the product. Taxes are 10% and the product costs $100.
The customer pays $110 because $100 is the cost of the product and $10 is the amount of taxes calculated on the amount of the product.
Note |
In the Order Confirmation email, customers are able to see the amount of the cost of the product, the cost of taxes, and shipping and handling. |
Tax Provider: this field displays which provider has been set for this campaign, DFO, TaxJar or Avalara.
The details of the product purchased are shown in this area (see the below example):
Including the SKU and the Product Quantity that inform the user of the amounts of units bought by the customer.
Shipping History
In this section, all information about the fulfilment is available (see the below example):
Note |
Please note that the Shipping History will be available ONLY after the order has been sent for fulfillment to the warehouse. In other words, when the order status is already in shipping or backorder. When the order is still in New or Paid status, this section is not yet visible, even though all the buttons are already displayed for users to take any further actions if necessary (see below example of a Paid order): |
Specifically in this section, the user can verify the below information:
The status of the fulfilment which can be newNew, shippingShipping, backordersBackorders, sentSent, waiting Waiting for the tracking number, etc
When the date and time of when the order was created and when it was sent
The link of the tracking number , which can be clicked, and a small tab will pop up displaying the status of the shipment
Whether the fulfilment is a reshipment or not
By clicking on the View Details button: a small tab pops up providing additional information about fulfilment, for instance, from which warehouse the order was sent, or the Estimated Arrival, etc
Please note that the data on the Estimated Arrival (which is an estimated date of the delivery) is provided ONLY if the Warehouse provides it, which is not always the case. But if it does, this information is available even before the TN is available in CRM
By clicking on the Check For New Tracking Number button the system will request this information to the warehouse, in case the product was sent but the system is still waiting for the tracking number details.
By clicking on the Edit Tracking Number button
the user is redirected to the Edit Tracking Number page where the tracking number, the courier, and the warehouse can be entered manually
The Internal Tracking Number
TheInternal Tracking Number (ITN) refers to a tracking number that is created as soon as the order goes into the Shipping status and can help customers to keep track of their orders by clicking on it.
The Internal Tracking Number provides information even before the order is shipped and the Tracking Number is created by the Warehouse.
Consequently, with the ITN customers can see when the additional below information:
Once the warehouse fulfilled the order and the Tracking Number is created, the customer can still see his/her order shipment information even in the ITN. Otherwise, the customer can click on the normal Tracking Number and check the status of the shipment (see the below example)
Also, once the order has been shipped, the user can even access the AfterShip link directly from the ITN by clicking on the Go to AfterShip button (see the below example):
The ITN is located on the Shipping History, follow the below steps to find it:
On the order page, scroll down to the Shipping History section
Click on the Detail button
and on the Shipment Details tab there is the ITN and, if already available the TN, which are both clickable links so users can verify the status of the order from a small tab (see the below example)
Where to find the Internal Tracking Number (ITN)
The ITN is located on the Shipping History, follow the below steps to find it:
On the order page, scroll down to the Shipping History section
Click on the Detail button
and on the Shipment Details tab there is the ITN and, if already available the TN, which are both clickable links so users can verify the status of the order from a small tab (see the below example)
The Shipping History buttons
Buttons name | Buttons logo | What is it for? | ||
Extend Trial | By clicking on this button, the user can extend of XX day the offer trial. This button can be used only once, per each trial order, and it doesn’t work when the order has been refunded. For more information about the Extend Trial Offer please check the following article: Trial Period Extension Orders Page | |||
Last Confirmation Email | By clicking on this button, a small tab pops up showing all confirmation and notification email sent to the customer that the user can also download | |||
Manage Fulfillment | By using this button, users can reset the order fulfillment. Check the following topic of this page to know how to reset the fulfillment of an order. | |||
Hold | The Hold button, once selected, will set the order status on hold, which means that it will not be sent for fulfillment unless:
If the order is set on hold, the user is allowed to:
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Resume | By clicking on this button, the user can resume the fulfillment of the order, in case it was set on hold. | |||
Edit | The Change Items button is ONLY working after the user managed to set on hold the fulfillment. If the order has been already shipped, this button is unable. By hitting the Edit button, users can decrease the product quantity, by filling the small tabs that pops up, specifically the products units and the reason of the editing By decreasing the quantity, the system will trigger automatically the partial refund to the customer. | |||
Expedite at TPL | The Expedite at TPL button allows users to set the order with higher fulfillment priority inside the Warehouse. In other words, the order will cut the queue, and it will be fulfilled first, no matter when it has been placed and if there are other orders placed before this one. | |||
Return Product | This button has to be selected when the customer returns the product back to the company. Once the product has been received back at the Warehouse, and prior to triggering the refund, the user should click this button and mark the product as returned. | |||
Reship | This button allows users to reship the product. By clicking on it, a small tab pops up and the user can select the units amounts and the reason of the reshipment | |||
Stop Continuity Charge | With this button, the user can stop the subscription, or else after the current order, the customer will not receive the product anymore. Please note that with this button, the subscription has not been permanently cancelled.
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Start Continuity Charge | To resume the subscription, once it has been hold by using the Stop Continuity Charge button, then the user should click on the Start Continuity Charges button. |
The Fulfillment Management page & how to reset the fulfilment of an order
To get to the Fulfillment Management page, please follow the below steps.
From the order page, go to the Shipping History section and click on the Manage Fulfillment button
The Fulfillment Management page will open
On this page, there are three areas:
Related Fulfillments
Reset Fulfillment.
1. Fulfillments
On this part, the user can:
By clicking on the Products button
and check the product inventory
By clicking on the View Details button
all fulfilment information is provided in a tab
By clicking on the History button
and the fulfilment history is provided
By clicking on the Edit Tracking Number
the user is redirected to the Edit Tracking Number page where the tracking number, the courier, and the warehouse can be entered manually
2. Related Fulfillments
Any related fulfilment will be displayed in this area.
3. Reset Fulfillment
Go to the Shipping History and select Manage Fulfillment button
The Fulfillment Management page will open, scroll down till the Reset Fulfillment section
Select the Product
Generally, it uses the Clear assigned Warehouse option
Click on the Reset button
The following warning message tab will pop up, informing the user that the fulfilment cannot be reset on the Warehouse, because (i.e. “Customer non-available” which means that the order is already been shipped) or for any other reason, just click on the Reset button and the order fulfilment will be reset, and the order will go back to the queue to be fulfilled.
The Payment Details & the Payment History
In these sections, the user can:
Verify the status of the payment
Fully or partially refund the customer
Issue a Gift Card to the customer (see the below example)
In the Payment Details, a few of the customer’s Credit Card information is displayed.
Please note that if the customer has paid with PayPal, the Credit Card details are not provided.
In the Payment History, the customer has all transaction details, the amount paid, date and time. By clicking on the View Details button a small tab will pop up with some additional information about the payment (see the below example):
How to refund a customer
In order to refund a customer please follow the below steps.
Go to the Payment History
Click on the Refund button so the Refund tab will pop up
On the tab, the user should set either the percentage of the amount that the customer is going to receive back
Switch to ON the Return Label toggle, in case the customer decided to use Pitney Bowels return service and so the system will deduct the PB charge from the customer’s refund
Then set up the reason for the refund
Click on the Save button, and a new row on the Payment History will appear to display the amount refunded,
as well as the status of the order at the top of the page, which will change to Refunded or Partially Refunded. An automatic note will be also left in the Notes section and also in the Status History, informing any users about when and by who the refund was made.
Info |
For information about Refunds, please check this helpdesk article: Refunds |
How to manually refund a customer
The manual refund refers to the refund that has been done inside the payment provider Dashboard, and which is not reflected in the CRM order page. Consequently, users can flag the order and change the order status in CRM, when an order has been manually refunded inside the payment provider dashboard, by using the toggle of the Manual Refund in the Refund tab on the order page. |
In order to flag an order as manually refunded, please follow the below steps.
Go to the Payment History
Click on the Refund button so the Refund tab will pop up
On the tab, the user should set either the percentage of the amount that the customer has received back
Switch to ON the toggle Is Manual Refund
Then set up the reason for the manual refund
Click on the Save button, and a new row on the Payment History will appear to display the amount of the manual refund as well as the status of the order at the top of the page, which will change to Manually Refunded. An automatic note will be also left in the Notes section and also in the Status History, informing any users about when and by who the refund was made.
Info |
For information about Manual Refunds, please check this helpdesk article: Refunds |
The Return Label toggle & the Pitney Bowes Service
If the customer decides to return by using the Pitney Bowes service and get a refund for his/her order, the user can deduct the Pitney Bowes return service directly from the refund tab as per the below instructions.
Go to the Payment History
Click on the Refund button so the Refund tab will pop up
On the tab, the user should set either the percentage of the amount that the customer is going to receive back
Switch to ON the Return Label toggle, so the Pitney Bowels return service fee will be deducted from the total refunds amount
Then set up the reason for the refund
Click on the Save button.
The Cancellation fee button
In a scenario where customers want to cancel the order prior to being shipped, users are able to charge 15% of the order’s total Cancellation Fee, which will be deducted from the total of the refund. In order to do so, the user can benefit from the Cancellation fee button, available in the refund tab. Please follow the below instructions to know how to use it.
Go to the Payment History
Click on the Refund button so the Refund tab will pop up
On the tab, the user should set either the percentage of the amount that the customer is going to receive back
Then set up the reason for the refund
Click on the Cancellation fee button and a new row on the Payment History will appear to display the amount refunded,
as well as the status of the order at the top of the page, which will change to Partially Refunded. An automatic note will be also left in the Notes section and also in the Status History, informing any users about when and by who the refund was made
The Cancellation fee button
Issue a Gift Card
On the order page, in the Payment Details section, users can issue a new Gift Card by taking advantage of the button Issue New Gift Card.
Click on the button Issue New Gift Card
Fill in the Issue New Gift Card tab and click on Send
The Gift card will be sent via email to the customer and on the order page, underneath the Payment History area, it will be listed all the Gift Card(s) issued
A system note will be created and available in the Notes section of the order (see the below example)
Panel | ||||||
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Fully Refunding with Gift Cards not yet Shipped Orders
By fully refunding with a Gift Card orders that haven’t been shipped yet:
The order status will be set as Shipping Denied
The fulfilment will be automatically cancelled
A system note is added in the Notes section of the order page
Gift Card and the Customer Account
To check if the customer has been already receiving any other Gift Card, follow the below instructions.
From the order page, scroll down to the Customer Information
Click on the View Customer Info button, which redirects the user to the Customer Account
Scroll down and at the bottom of the Customer account page, there is the Gift Card area where all Gift Cards that the customer has received so far are listed (see the below example):
Cancel a Gift Card
A Gift Card can be easily cancelled, and the customer refunded, as long as this one hasn’t been used already.
To cancel a Gift Card, follow the below instructions:
Access the order page
Scroll down to the Payment Details and click on the Delete button
Info |
For more information about Gift Card, please refer to the helpdesk article: CRM Gift Cards |
Issue a Kashee Coupon
On the order page, in the Payment Details section, users can issue a new Kashee Coupon by taking advantage of the button Issue New Kashee Coupon.
Click on the button Issue New Kashee Coupon
Fill in the Issue New Kashee Coupon tab
Click on Send
The Kashee Coupon will be sent via email to the customer and on the order page, underneath the Payment History area, it will be listed all the Kashee Coupon(s) issued
Sales Workflow
In the Sales Workflow section are reported the steps of the sale, starting from the customer purchasing the product (see below example)
By clicking on the View Notes button, the user is redirected to the Notes section of the page.
Subscription Orders
Please note that for Subscription Orders the Sales Workflow section is a crucial part of the order page.
For subscription orders, the Sales Workflow section is displayed when the next event (monthly charge) will happen
Once the time is due, the customer is charged for the subscription successfully, the system will create a new order in the customer account (see below the example of recurring orders)
Moreover, still in this section, a few options are provided:
Cancel button
Reschedule button
Adjust button
Force Bill button
just by clicking on the button on the right side of the recurring event (see the below example)
1. The Cancel button
By hitting the Cancel button, the user fully and permanently canceled the subscription.
2. The Reschedule button
Clicking on the Reschedule button a window will pop up giving you the current schedule of the delivery and an option for you to choose another date for the item to be sent over to the customer
3. The Adjust button
The Adjust Amount button enables users to charge the customer with a discounted price.
4. The Force Bill button
The Force Bill button enables users to trigger the charge of the product prior to the end of the subscription or the trial period.
Customer Information
In this area, are available the customer’s details such as:
Order Time of Purchase
Customer Location
Customer IP
The View Customer Info button: by clicking on it the user is redirected to the Customer Account
Shipping Address
The customer’s full name, phone number, and shipping details are displayed in this area.
How to update the Shipping Address
Users can easily update the customer shipping address following the below steps.
Click on the Enable Editing button
Upon the change has been made, click on the Save button
Note |
If the shipping address is incomplete or incorrect, the order will not pass the Paid status until this has been fix as well it at the top of the page red error will flag the order informing any user about this issue in the order (see below example): |
Please note that if the order cannot be set on hold any more or it has been shipped already, the changes made in the shipping address will not be reflected on the parcel sent by the Warehouse.
Therefore, updates on the Shipping address should be done ONLY prior the order is sent for fulfillment.
Billing Address
The customer’s billing address is displayed in this area.
Generally, the billing address is the same as the shipping, depending on what the customer selected at the checkout page.
How to update the Billing Address
Users can easily update the customer billing address following the below steps.
If the billing was previously set the same as shipping, just turn off the toggle Same as shipping address
Click on the Enable Editing button
Upon the change has been made, click on the Save button
Coupon Information
If the customer paid using a coupon, the coupon details will be displayed in this section (see below example)
In the notes section are displayed all system and users notes that have been left
also for each note is provided information about who left it, and when and by clicking on the eye icon the user can see on the box above the full notes
How to leave a note
In order to leave a note follow the below steps.
Type the note in the box
Click on the Add button
How to delete a note
Click on the Delete button on the right side of your note row
Note |
Users can delete only their own notes and that’s the reason why the delete button is visible only on the user’s notes. |
Status History
In this section, users have the full workflow, each step in which the order went through (see below example)