
  1. Click on the + Create New button

  2. The user is redirected to a new page where, by filling in all details requested, a new Customer Service Template will be created

  3. They need to fill in all the information requested, such as:

    1. Template Name

    2. Headline: here users can add the email headline that will pop up in the Email Template, replacing the Email Variable CSTemplateHeadline

    3. Subtitle: here users can add the email subtitle that will pop up in the Email Template, replacing the Email Variable CSTemplateSubtitle

    4. Email: here users can add the email address (e.g. the Customer Service email address) that will pop up in the Email Template, replacing the Email Variable CSTemplateEmail

    5. Phone number: here users can add the phone number (e.g. the Customer Service contact number) that will pop up in the Email Template, replacing the Email Variable CSTemplatePhoneNumber

    6. Address: here users can add the address (e.g. the business address) that will pop up in the Email Template, replacing the Email Variable CSTemplateAddress

    7. CallToAction button label: type the name that will be added to the CTA button on the Email Template, if available (e.g. the FAQs button that redirects to the FAQs page)

    8. CallToAction button url: the URL where users are redirected once they click on the CTA button, if available (e.g. be redirected to the FAQs page after clicking on the FAQ button)

    9. Unsubscribe label: type the name that will be added to the Unsubscribe CTA button on the Email Template, if available (e.g. the Unsubscribe button that redirects to the Unsubscribe page). This label will replace the Email Variable CSTemplateUnsubscribeLabel.

    10. Unsubscribe url: the URL where users are redirected once they click on the CTA button, if available (e.g. be redirected to the Unsubscribe page after clicking on the Unsubscribe button)

    11. Image url: here users can add the URL of the image (e.g. the logo of the product) that will pop up in the Email Template, replacing the Email Variable CSTemplateImageUrl

    12. Is Active toggle has to be turned ON

  4. Once all details have been filled in, click on the Save button.

2. Add the emails Customer Service Templates in the campaign
