- Naming convention: [Site Name]_[Language]_[Content Name]. E.g. livewave_EN_banner. It helps you differentiate the content and improve searches
- Avoid making direct changes to the content unless you are sure.
- The content or widget starting st arting with "Common" in the named are reusable globally, don't need to clone them.
- Clean up unnecessary content before push publishing.
- If you upload images with the same name, sometimes the old image is cached on the CDN and you cannot see the new image after deployment, you can change the image name and deploy again.
Update links in Presale Page
- Edit page properties, in Advanced Properties tab, enter Redirect Url field.
- You can also click Select Link button to choose desired page.
- After this change, when editing the content, the URLs still show the old one. But the new URL will affect when previewing the page, or deploying it.
- FOMO widget is added to the bottom of the order page.
- FOMO widget reads data from /pub-assets/fomodata-en.json and product.png files.
- The JSON file is being shared with other sites, so any changes need to be done in a cloned file.
- Updating the favicon by replacing /pub-assets/fileuploads/images/favicon.ico file.
- This file is cached by the browser so it would take a while to see the new icon.
- If you want to force the browser to download the new icon immediately, go to /application/themes/basic_theme/html_head.vtl. Edit the file, find the favicon.ico path, add the parameter "?v=[random_number]" (e.g. favicon.ico?v=123)