Here's 5 solid tips anyone can implement that increased our overall conversion rate from ~2% to ~5%+ on a daily basis. These tips are all things you can do - TODAY!
#1 - Heatmaps
There are a number of apps out there from Lucky Orange, Crazyegg, etc. that offer heat map services. I can bet without a doubt more than a few of you have installed these. I can also bet that more than 95% of people who did install it haven't ever actually used the program correctly.
Watch what your customers do, but compare it to the customers who completed a checkout/goal so you can see where the problem lies.
#2 - Load Speed
This one is obvious but so, so many people screw this up. Go open up GTMetrix AND Pingdom and check your scores on both. Once you've got that number, compare it to Google's Pagespeed tests.
We analyze our site 3x a week and have reports sent directly to a slack channel. If page load speed is over 2s or our requests get too high, either I or someone on my team is spending the day finding out why. We're also testing multiple pages on our site, not our homepage. Always, always, always test your product pages and focus there. When's the last time you ran an ad to your homepage?
#3 - Mobile vs. Desktop
As a developer, I hate mobile. As a customer, I love mobile. Mobile has made things annoying for people like me, but it's great because more people than ever are buying online and are buying ALL the time.
If I had 1000 visitors I just increased my overall bottom line by 86 sales a day. Think you could be a LOT more profitable if you got 4x as many sales?============================================
#4 - PROPERLY Tracking Your Metrics
Most people use Shopify and they'll track their visitors, ATC, & PURC percentages. Sadly in today's market that's not going to be good enough to truly "scale" your business. The guys that are making $100,000+ a month are doing it by tracking everything they possibly can and then some.
Installed GA, looked at a 'winner' we were beginning to scale only to find out that the traffic was only converting during a certain time of the day. Of course FB showed similar data, but we hadn't dug that deep yet into our breakdowns. Using GA I was able to pinpoint a "winning" audience and for the first time got to actually use "day-parted" ads (please don't ask me about this, I honestly don't know much we're still testing it and it's hit or miss on products). Long story short, we went from a cost per purchase of $14 to $6.50. Once I get time to throw into the mix some conversion tricks we use we'll essentially have tripled our profits all thanks to proper tracking.============================================
#5 - Guiding Your Customer
This is one you may or may not have heard about, but is arguably is the most important in this list.