Order Page:
Feature 1: Change paymentProcessorId
to 31paypal31Feature 2: Set flag order page is Pre-Order type (use for confirm page): preOrder in localStorage
Success Page:
Check if paymentProcessorId 31 then set
by parameter named token
Upsell Page:
Set paymentProcessorId value is dynamic: 5 or 31. This value get from localstorage saved from order page.
Confirm Page:
Check if user checkout from Pre-Order page (preOrder in localStorage) => Update the Text.
Text changes:
Your deposit will be processed for {productTotal} ({orderNumber}) and will appear as {midDescriptor}. You will be charged the price of the products when they ship.
Don’t Check if paymentProcessorId is 31 then don’t run API update status for Upsell if paymentProcessorId is 31
JS file: https://d16hdrba6dusey.cloudfront.net/sitecommon/js/pages/confirm.page.js