3. Feature Changes:
Order Page:
Feature 1: ….
JS file…
Feature 2: ….Change paymentProcessorId to 31
Feature 2: Set flag order page is Pre-Order type (use for confirm page): preOrder in localStorage
Success Page:
Store Param:Check if paymentProcessorId 31 then set
by parameter named token
Upsell Page:
……Set paymentProcessorId value is dynamic: 5 or 31. This value get from localstorage saved from order page.
Confirm Page:
…….Check if user checkout from Pre-Order page (preOrder in localStorage) => Update the Text.
Text changes:
Your deposit will be processed for {productTotal} ({orderNumber}) and will appear as {midDescriptor}. You will be charged the price of the products when they ship.
Don’t run API update status for Upsell if paymentProcessorId is 31