1. Configure reCaptcha
Go to Google reCaptcha here
Login using credentials provided by Donel
Select Settings at top right
Image ModifiedAdd the domains needed
Image ModifiedMake sure the keys are also configured on Sales Force or any other 3rd party console.
Make sure site key is added to form widget if building from CTRwow. Site keys are below.
Each checkbox setting can only cover 50 domains
2. Domains to remove affiliate form
Domain | Status |
Buyezsipper.com |
https://dfoglobal.atlassian.net/browse/ Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-6479 |
| Index? |
Feverpatrol.com |
https://dfoglobal.atlassian.net/browse/DFSB-6480 | Jira Legacy |
server | System Jira |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-6480 |
getfotialamp.com | |
buykompresskinetic.com | |
3. Domains/Offer to add affiliate form with reCaptcha
To reduce complexity, affiliate form doesn’t need to have any brand elements on, which means no header, no logo, no phone numbers are needed. It is also okay If they are present on pages.
List 1:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCaptcha V2 Site Key: 6LfhzN4ZAAAAAKWBxLzM7XEHOYxskj1rRw-2z3q3 Secrety Key: 6LfhzN4ZAAAAAPhDebhYRPetEn4p8BSIxH6XYNnn |
Domain | Status |
buyheatcore.com/en/affiliate.html buyheatcore.com/de/affiliate.html buyheatcore.com/fr/affiliate.html | |
myrangextd.com/en/affiliate.html myrangextd.com/fr/affiliate.html myrangextd.com/de/affiliate.html myrangextd.com/nl/affiliate.html | |
yourkoretrak.com | EN, DE, FR |
starscopemonocular.com monostarscope.com | |
haveneckrelax.com | EN, DE, FR |
superboostwifi.com | for EN, DE, FR |
getmyinfinitikloud.com | |
qualitytechgadgets.com | |
mytvfix.com | for EN, DE, FR, CW |
shopmindinsole.com | |
buydangobuds.com | |
buyoshenwatch.com | |
laidbackmassage.com | |
mybuzzbgone.com | for EN, DE, FR, AU |
mobilekleanstore.com | |
blaux.com | for thermometer, heater, bidet |
shopmindnsole.com | |
buykoretense.com | |
getautomendpro.com | |
willistonforce.com | |
buytwohands.com | |
buyneckrelaxofficial.com | |
tapncharge.com | |
dartletype.com | |
feverpatrolstore.com | |
getmyblaux.com | |
getvitahair.com | |
getactionhero.com | |
buyblaux.com | |
myoshenwatch.com | |
perropal.com | |
gettrifiboost.com | |
List 2:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 2 Site Key: 6Ld6RQAaAAAAAMwbZkErnJVLonxFYomi_XHIycZw Secret Key: 6Ld6RQAaAAAAAM2yxVKKwzkpmntq8Sd3S541eEch |
List 3:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 3 Site Key: 6Lcf4WwaAAAAAIhia2vwJBPEi0306OaVjTDsq9iY Secret Key: 6Lcf4WwaAAAAACZNv0K0fK1DijWpGjxrIF9tKew_ |
List 4:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 4 Site Key: 6LdMrAkbAAAAAOp-K8I8yctRgdaDdgpJS81m5lac Secret Key: 6LdMrAkbAAAAAE3Fxa7gyPZOApGv1lBsXJRJbllv |
List 5:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 5 Site Key: 6LeyLgwbAAAAAFeY0DJ9ieUicJMrdBPfL5TGVqq0 Secret Key: 6LeyLgwbAAAAAAOp46rXzmF3n4YH1yh-BQTgsXcD |
getfotialampbuykompresskinetic 3. Domains/Offer to add affiliate form with reCaptcha
To reduce complexity, affiliate form doesn’t need to have any brand elements on, which means no header, no logo, no phone numbers are needed. It is also okay If they are present on pages.
Expand |
Name: DFO reCaptcha V2reCAPTCHA v2 list 6 Site Key: 6LfhzN4ZAAAAAKWBxLzM7XEHOYxskj1rRw-2z3q36LcjZ1odAAAAAKV40SrMBMs8fVGxFOIdIf9iezJV Secrety Secret Key: 6LfhzN4ZAAAAAPhDebhYRPetEn4p8BSIxH6XYNnn6LcjZ1odAAAAAO6ahMLiqDyPyP6xInysTOQLr3Vx |
Status | buyheatcore.com/en/affiliate.html
yourkoretrak EN, DE, FRstarscopemonocular.com
monostarscopehaveneckrelax EN, DE, FRsuperboostwifi for EN, DE, FRgetmyinfinitikloudqualitytechgadgetsmytvfix for EN, DE, FR, CWshopmindinsolebuydangobudsbuyoshenwatchlaidbackmassagemybuzzbgone for EN, DE, FR, AUmobilekleanstoreblaux for thermometer, heater, bidetshopmindnsolebuykoretensegetautomendprowillistonforcebuytwohandsbuyneckrelaxofficialtapnchargedartletypefeverpatrolstoregetmyblauxgetvitahairgetactionherobuyblauxmyoshenwatchperropalgettrifiboostDomain | Status |
kaydiawellnessList 2:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 2 Site Key: 6Ld6RQAaAAAAAMwbZkErnJVLonxFYomi_XHIycZw Secret Key: 6Ld6RQAaAAAAAM2yxVKKwzkpmntq8Sd3S541eEch |
invisichargerbuysoloforceinfinitikloud EN, DE, FRbuyequalplusgetrenubackmyrenubackreliefblauxoxilevelbuyclubcrushgetinheatbuyoptilooknpickonehandnanomisterbuybetterthanzerobuyherculianspringyehyehapp.combuyquietbuds Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 7 Site Key: 6Ld5M-4eAAAAAGkkvCTPJdswsNK4FHwoNu4I0HXr Secret Key: 6Ld5M-4eAAAAAF-8aEmO8l6XRtu6Ap2hV4AsPSb1 |
buylaidbackbuyequalplusgetrenubackbuysoloforcemyfotialampshopsoloforcegetmasermishopsuperboostwifishopstarscopeblastauxiliaryvervedirectdfoglobalmykoretrakgetsecondsunaussietechradarbuydivinairtrykoretensebeautystatcosmeticsbuywrapsliceyourkorescaleshopexposureopticsgetkorespheregetkorepulsegetblauxoxilevelshopdrgoodrowqbkraftzgetsoloforcediscoverbeautystatkainerooffers.kainerobestdealsinspectornerlosusshopkoretraksecure-checkout.myrangextdperropalDomain | Status |
perropal List 3:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 3 Site Key: 6Lcf4WwaAAAAAIhia2vwJBPEi0306OaVjTDsq9iY Secret Key: 6Lcf4WwaAAAAACZNv0K0fK1DijWpGjxrIF9tKew_ |
shoprenubackreliefbuykoresurgegetpeaceplayshoprenubackgadgetprofitsrangextdgetkompresskineticyourkoretrakprogetph0r4thewidgetsmastergetblastauxiliary Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 8 Site Key: 6LeUN-4eAAAAALj6mLgzR-w5qGDh-Sx89TPuNlKa Secret Key: 6LeUN-4eAAAAAG_6yk3tj3LAqpXTMf5wD-wC6EPA |
yourneckrelaxofficialyourwillistonforcectrwow-prod-kainero-web.azurewebsites.netgivemyopinionsshopcavalieressentialsyourmobilekleancomyourwillistonforceyourfeverpatrolthebuzzbgonebuyvitahairyourbuzzbgonecomshopvitahairblauxofficialgetclubcrushgetinvisichargeryourtvfixkainerorewardsgetlaidbackmassageeverbladeshopblauxstoreshoprangextdgetbuzzbgone.com | buysteamerflexhttp://mindinsole.com | getnerlosshopslicechumshopdangobudsgetdangobudstranquilbuds.com | buyblastauxiliaryyourbetterthanzerohttp://buyhvnsleep.com | http://dangobuds.com getthebuzzzbgonearctosshopselfystandDomain | Status |
selfystand List 4:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 4 Site Key: 6LdMrAkbAAAAAOp-K8I8yctRgdaDdgpJS81m5lac Secret Key: 6LdMrAkbAAAAAE3Fxa7gyPZOApGv1lBsXJRJbllv |
outstylemusicyourbeautystatcosmeticsyourkorehealthbuyhajimarishopeggfecto.com | buymiraclebrand.com | Cavalier Essentials | shopactionheroselfystandcombuycavalieressentials.comshopeggfectohttp://korehealthgetqbkraftshopblastauxiliarygetqbkraftz.com | |
yourautomendpro Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 9 Site Key: 6LfDOu4eAAAAAGxyE3e0NeyqBTFdBHykWfxbQ9Gf Secret Key: 6LfDOu4eAAAAAPsRVkKdlx7ByyV67gPMSIwSF4wm |
getmonostarscopeyourblauxoxileveltransactionstandardscouncil.com | |
yourblastauxiliaryDomain | Status |
http://buykaydiawellness List 5:
Expand |
Name: DFO reCAPTCHA v2 list 5 Site Key: 6LeyLgwbAAAAAFeY0DJ9ieUicJMrdBPfL5TGVqq0 Secret Key: 6LeyLgwbAAAAAAOp46rXzmF3n4YH1yh-BQTgsXcD |