LIVE Tests
| Ticket | Internal / Client | Requestor | Responsible | Product Name / Testing Pages | Description | DEV |
TICKETTicket | Status |
1 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
AN1296Jordan/Tim / MarcosMIndInsole - OP | VIP recurring subscription. moving test to MindInsole - Ellen is reviewing subscription terms. | reviewing | Marcos | SuperBoost FT upsells | FT Upsell / wireless headset / wireless speaker / AirTV |
2 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1319 |
| Internal | Jenny | Marcos | SecureWatch FT Upsells | FT Upsell / fingerprint smart lock / spy camera clock / Smart Armor Cude |
| LIVE |
3 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
DFSB22622 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
DC1150Bruce | Aaron | Ketodrine - Full Nutra funnel | Nutra product Test | Internal | Kelly / David | Marcos | Door Defence - FT Upsells | FT Upsell / fingerprint smart lock / spy camera clock / Smart Armor Cude / Doorstop alarm |
| LIVE |
4 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
DFSB23253 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DC- |
1188Aaron4Tim | Marcos | Hair Luxe - FT Upsells |
SuperBoost FT upsells | setting up in VWO | FT Upsell / Jade Roller / Silk Pillowcase / ProLED Whitening Kit Live on both the gentle OP and DOP |
| LIVE |
5 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN- |
13495MindInsole FT Upsells | in sourcing | Fever Patrol - FT Upsells | FT Upsell / secure watch / Germfix / Buzz B Gone |
| LIVE |
6 |
| Client | Tim | Tim | Hearing Hero - DOP | Descriptive Order Page | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2124 |
| LIVE |
7 |
| Client | Bev / David S | Aaron/ Marcos | Azzurro Nail Clippers - OP | Making plastic option default |
8 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1351 |
| Client |
BEVSleep Now - Upsells | SleepNow Upsell Tests
Starting on test 01SleepNow - Post-Upsell (delay mini) | Increase post of - Post-Upsell (delay mini) |
| LIVE |
9 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
DFSB23556Tim Circacharge - DOP | CircaCharge - Descriptive Order page SnoreGuard - FT Upsells | (Set 1) – Sleep Mask / Sleep Aid Machine |
| LIVE |
10 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
DC-1134 | design is done .... proofreading.
7 | Internal | Shay /Tim | Aaron/ Marcos | MIndInsole - DOP | Adding bumper offer on MindInsole DOP | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2435 |
11 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DC |
-997Tim | Aaron | | Internal | Aaron | Aaron/ Marcos | MIndInsole - FT Upsells | MIndInsole Upsells - Round 7 |
| LIVE |
Top Priority Tests
| Ticket | Internal / Client | Requestor | Responsible | Product Name / Testing Pages | Description | DEV Ticket | Status |
1 |
| Internal | Jordan | Aaron/Tim/ Marcos | BeautyStat - DOP | pre-purchase upsell test. |
2 |
| Internal | Jordan | Aaron/Tim/ Marcos | BeautyStat - DOP | Lower Cost version |
3 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron / Marcos | CircaCharge - DOP | CircaCharge - DOP vs Standard OP |
4 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron / Marcos | SuperBoost - DOP | SuperBoost |
- Descriptive Order page8 | - DOP vs SuperBoost - DOP (selection Update) |
5 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron / Marcos | LiveWave - DOP | Bump Offer Placement test |
6 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron / Marcos | LiveWave - DOP | Mobile / no preselection / remove order now / direct to form |
7 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron / Marcos | LiveWave - DOP | full form drop down |
8 |
| Internal | Tim | Aaron / Marcos | MindInsole - DOP | Add 2 and 4 unit options to MindInsole |
9 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1144 |
| Internal | Bruce | Aaron / |
MarcosMarcos Tim | MIndInsole - DOP |
MOVING TO MINDINSOLE DOPWheelio test - Move over to MindInsole Descriptive Order page | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2092 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2091 |
9 |
10 |
| Internal | Bruce | Aaron / Marcos | BetterBack New - DOP | BetterBack New - DOP vs New Standard Version |
11 |
| Internal | Bruce | Aaron / Marcos | BetterBack New - Upsell | Standard Upsell pages vs Multi product Upsell |
12 |
| Internal | Bruce | Loading bar | TBD | View file |
name | New Breakthrough Device Boosts Your Home WiFi Speeds Instantly!.mp4 |
height | 250 |
| prepping design |
Testing Ideas
| Ticket | Internal / Client | Requestor | Responsible | Product Name / Testing Pages | Description | DEV Ticket | Status |
1 |
| Cient | Brennan | Aaron/Marcos | Azurro Clipper Pro - DOP | Design Azurro Clipper Pro - DOP | design |
2 |
| Internal | Brennan | Aaron/ Marcos | MIndInsole - DOP | Add profile images to testimonials |
3 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron/ Marcos | SuperBoost - OP | Quiz. AN-1513 is a precursor until a more developed version can be polished for quiz purposes (as a hotjar survey perhaps) | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1513 |
| LIVE |
4 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron/ Marcos | SuperBoost - OP | Physical Product / Bumper Offer |
5 |
| Internal | Jon Biggs | Aaron / Marcos | TBD - DOP | Remove the top section on the descriptive Order Page after the user has visited and the site has been cached |
6 |
| Internal | Jon Biggs | Aaron / Marcos | TBD - DOP | Remove the top section of descriptive Order Page |
7 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1351 |
| Client | BEV | Aaron/ Marcos | Sleep Now - OP / Upsells | SleepNow OP - funnel tests. | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2355 |
8 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1208 |
| Internal | Aaron | Marcos/Aaron | CircaCharge - |
Upsell pages10 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-579 |
| Bruce | Aaron/Marcos | MindInsole - OP | Referral test
Design: OP / Upsells | Customer service tests. - RUNNING THANK YOU TEST - Re-run → needs to do research on copy variations.
Marcos Hung (Unlicensed) research some new options for this, please. - Marcos Hung (Unlicensed) please research sites using wording this askes consumer not to go backward in the browser.
Post-hoc test | KNPQGXY9DV511ChipLiveWave Interstitial This test is now involving Alex.
Aaron has designed new email collection variations.Designs: dfoglobalinvisionappshare/DKQW3KBWEVP12 | ?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrsel9t7m4QIVD9VkCh2jAAkIEAAYASAAEgLaPPD_BwE |
11 |
| Internal | Shay | Aaron/Marcos | TBD - Popup | Free giveaway pop - for email collection |
12 |
| Internal | Shay | Aaron/Marcos | TBD - Email | Friendly email |
13 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1000 |
| Internal | Aaron | Aaron | TBD - Product Page | FOMO localization |
14 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1017 |
| Internal | Aaron | Marcos | TBD |
Aaron will be setting up mockups for DEV.- Upsells | Upsell Progress Bar | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-1814 |
14jiraserver | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1279Pascal | Aaron / Marcos | LIveWave - OP | Call us today to place your order toll-free - LiveWave We need to figure out how to track this. |
16 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key |
DC1084 | Internal | Jordan/Tim | Aaron / Marcos |
HairLuxe FT UPassets ready. The test is set up on VWO, need pricing
15 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SFM-86 |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1306 |
Jira Legacy |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN- |
1338jiraserver | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DC-1165 |
Kelly / David | Marcos | Door Defence - FT UP | Door Defence FT Upsells Marcos is preparing sourcing tickets for EPL products | 16 | AN1319Jenny | Marcos | SecureWatch - FT UP | Securewatch FT Upsells Need a list of products. | 17 | Pascal | Aaron / Marcos | LIveWave - OP | Call us today to place your order toll-free - LiveWave We need to figure out how to track this. | | DONE |
18 | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | AN-1122 |
| Internal | Daniel | Tim | -- |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-1765 |