- You need the CRM information related to the funnel you're about to create. Includes:
- X_CID (Client ID). If the CRM instance is not yet setup, please request. E.g. 615408F4-EA88-4AB0-BD7D-82EF140C1928 (Sandbox)
- Campaign WID for the main product. E.g. e32b2a8cf84d2eab-700a8eb2-49304c37-a298-d7806a68e379913c-c47a37b95c01 (Sandbox Euphoric Feet EN VSL)
- Product IDs of the main campaign. E.g. 4552, 4656, 4757, 4858, 4959, 50 60 (Exitpop)
- If you have an upsell product, get the campaign WID of the upsell. E.g. 04206407ad716496-1b2c51ce-451d4a98-9f3a-d6ceeafe248696be-cf14ba65edc9 (Sandbox Compression Socks EN UP (EuphoricFeet UP))
- Product ID of the upsell. E.g. 5155
- If you have a mini upsell, get the campaign WID of the mini upsell. E.g. 4206407328863c1-1b2cc0d5-451d4599-9f3a-d6ceeafe2486830f-f7e945d26475 (Sandbox Delayed Miniclick EN UP (Euphoric Feet UP))
- Product ID of the mini upsell. E.g. 5052
- Prepare the content, images according to the templates
- Header and Footer are globally configured for the whole site. They are the same for every pages added to the funnel, only the body content are different.
- Logo image is uploaded to /pub-assets/fileuploads/images/logo.png. Replace it with the a new logo using the same name (logo.png), size can be reference in the template.
- To delete the old logo image, right-click > Unpublish, right-click > Archive, then click on the "Show Archives" link on top of the page to reveal the archived items, right-click > Delete.
- All site data related to header and footer can be located in Site > Browser > application > data > data-en.json. You can update the content you need. For instance, footer links and address line.
Note: Please only edit the text within the double quotes "", otherwise this JSON file cannot function.
Update Order Page
- Select the Order template you want to use for the funnel.
- Update the Page properties by right-click > select Page Properties
- On right hand side menu, select Lock for Editing > Save / Publish.
- Update PIDs to get the product prices. Open the Order page > select Lock for Editing to go to Edit mode > Edit the Product List Widget.
- Enter PIDs and Product Names. Special Product ID is to used in Exit Popup. Selected Product ID is to preselect the item when landing on the page.
- Select Lock for Editing > Save / Publish to complete the widget. Verify that it is able to get correct product prices, including Exit Popup.
- Update all the content and images, then select Publish Page to save all changes to the page.
Update Upsell Page
- Update the Upsell page properties to update the URL and the WID (Webkey ID) of the upsell CRM campaign.
- Update content and images
- of the Upsell page.
- If you have more than 1 upsell, duplicate the page, and create new content for it.