No. | Type | Description | Example | Configurable fields |
Note |
| Content Types |
1 | [sitecommon] Banner | A banner which contains a heading on top, then a background image with some description below it. |
Image RemovedImage Added |
Image RemovedImage RemovedImage AddedImage Added |
2 |
ButtonOrLink | 3 | CTAButton | 4 | EndBlock | 5 | FbComment | 6 | Heading | 7 | ImageOrIcon | 8 | Jumbotron | 9 | ListImagesOrIcons | 10 | Menu | 11 | StartBlock | 12 | WysiwygContent | Widgets |
1 | AddStaticFileWidget | 2 | AffiliateFormWidget | 3 | BasicCreditCardWidget | 4 | BasicCTAButtonWidget | 5 | BasicPaypalButtonWidget | 6 | BasicPaypalWidget | 7 | CakeTrackingPixel | 8 | CreditCardFormWidget | 9 | CustomerFormWidget | 10 | DMCAWidget | 11 | ExitPopupWidget | 12 | FAQWidget | 13 | FomoWidget | 14 | IndicatorSteps | 15 | LoaderWidget | 16 | PreloadingWidget | 17 | ProductBannerSidebarWidget | 18 | ProductDiscountInfoWidget | 19 | ProductListWidget | 20 | ProductWarrantyWidget | 21 | ShippingFormWidget | 22 | TimeCountdownWidget | 23 | UpsellCTAButtonWidget | 24 | WistiaVideoWidget | Template |
1 | Header | 2 | Footer | 3 | Template[sitecommon] ButtonOrLink | Uses for simple buttons or links, which only need to specify a destination page, and require no special logic handling. | Image Added Image Added | Image Added |
3 | [sitecommon] CTAButton | Not use anymore |
4 | [sitecommon] FbComment | One type of Facebook comment section. In this type, user cannot click on Reply. | Image Added | Image AddedImage Added |
5 | [sitecommon] Heading | One-line heading to be used in any pages. | Image Added | Image Added |
6 | [sitecommon] ImageOrIcon | Upload a single image to be displayed on the page. 3 different versions for Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile can be uploaded. | Image Added | Image Added Image Added |
7 | [sitecommon] InStockWithDiscount | Consists of a "In stock" headline, a product image, and a CTA button | Image Added | Image Added |
8 | [sitecommon] Jumbotron | Uses for sections that need to display a combination of an image, a headline, and a paragraph. | Image AddedImage Added | Image Added Image Added |
9 | [sitecommon] ListImagesOrIcons | Not use anymore |
10 | [sitecommon] Menu | Not use anymore |
11 | [sitecommon] WysiwygContent | This is a WYSIWYG editor which allows users to enter and style a whole paragraph. | Image Added | Image Added |
12 | [sitecommon]StartBlock & [sitecommon]EndBlock | These 2 content type wrap the similar blocks into a single section. They marks the start and end of the section. | Image Added | Image Added |