| Site | Language | Domain | Pages | Status | Health Check | TRACKING ID | Fingerprint tracking Status | Notes |
1 | Euphoric Feet | DE | euphoricfeet.com/de/ | Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline-split-test|Decline|Index|Index-v2|Index-v3 |Order|Order-sock|Order-split-v1|Order-split-v2|Order-split-v3|Order-split|Order-v2|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/en/index|pre/4/de/index|pre/4/de/index-v2|pre/4/de/index-v3 | LIVE | done | EF0000072 | |
2 | MindInsole | EN | mindinsole.com/en/ | Affiliate|Confirm|Confirm-v1|Contact-us|Decline|Decline-split-v2|Index|Index-v2 (can we keep a copy of page though? But don't need to change frameworks)|Index-v3 (can we keep a copy of page though? But don't need to change frameworks)|Order|Order-bc|Order-em-v2|Order-new|Order-p1|Order-payment-test|Order-sock|Order-sock-v2|Order-split|Order-split-em|Order-split-gift|Order-split-v2|Order-split-v3 (NEW DEFAULT order.html (after updates))|Order-split-v3-gp|Order-split-v4|Order-v2|Order-v3|Policy|Special-offer-continuity|Special-offer-continuity-v2|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-mini-sole-v1|Special-offer-mini-sole-v2|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-sock-v1|Special-offer-sock-v2|Special-offer-sock-v3|Special-offer-spr|Special-offer-spr-v1|Special-offer-t|Success|Terms|V3|pre/4/index|pre/4/index-v1|pre/4/index-v2|pre/4/index-v3|pre/4/index-v5|pre/4/indextest|pre/4/de/index | LIVE | done | MI0000111 | | Missing page v3.html. It will be updated later.
3 | Buy Mindinsole | EN | buymindinsole.com/en/ | This is a copied version of Mindinsole with different campaign WID for the main flow. | LIVE | done | BM0000021 | |
4 | Energix Charge (Home) | EN | energixcharge.com/en/ | en/affiliate-form|en/confirm|en/contact-us|en/decline|en/index|en/order|en/order-home|en/order-home-split (becomes new order home BUT needs to be updated to newest checkout template!)|en/order-home-v2|en/order-v2 |en/order-v3|en/order-v3-bk|en/order-v4|en/order-v4-bk|en/policy|en/special-offer-car|en/special-offer-mini-car|en/special-offer-hom|en/special-offer-mini|home|en/success|en/terms|en/presalev3|en/presalev4|en/presalev5|en/presalev6|initial/confirm|initial/index|initial/order|initial/special-offer-hom|pre/1/en/index|pre/2/en/index | LIVE | Not implement | EC0000061 | Not implement | Missing page order-v4. It will be updated later.- It looks like the order-home-v2.html page in the old version is not complete. While the order-home.html page is complete, the two-page layout is almost identical, so we're referencing to order-home.html page.The name of the page we made is still order-home-v2.html.
5 | Superboost Wifi | DE |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Order (Update to latest template pls)|Policy|Special-offer-adapter|Special-offer-mini-booster|Success|Terms|pre/1/index | LIVE | done | SW0000172 | |
6 | Superboost Wifi | EN |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Order (Update to latest template pls)|Policy|Special-offer-adapter|Special-offer-mini-booster|Special-offer-t|Success|Terms|pre/1/index | LIVE | done | SW0000171 | | Missing URL |
7 | Autocam | EN | autocamhd.com/en/ | Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Index-v2|Order (Update to latest template pls)|Order-v2|Policy|Special-offer-mini-cam|Special-offer-night|Special-offer-sdc|Success|Terms|pre/1/index|pre/1/index-v2 | LIVE | done | AC0000011 | |
8 | Euphoric Feet | BR |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Order|Order-sock|Order-split|Order-split-v1|order-v1 (new default order.html, but new template)|Order-v2|Order-v3|Order-v4 (update to new template)|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/index | LIVE | done | EF0000077Title | | - Title should be translated to BR language: special-offer-mini-sole.html, special-offer-sock.html
- And Manual link should be translated
9 | SkyCamHD | EN | skycamhddrone.com/en/ | Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Ebook|Index|Order (update to newest template)|Order-eg (update to newest template)|Policy|Special-offer-controller|Special-offer-prop|Special-offer-skycam-mini|Special-offer-usb|Success|Terms|pre/2/index|pre/1/index|pre-3 | LIVE | done | SC0000151 | | Currently Product Name on Order confirm page have not been updated as same as on current version. It should be "SkyCamDH Wifi Drone" instead of "Selfie Drone". All Product Name below should be updated on ITEMS ORDERED list in Order confirm page: - Selfie Drone → SkyCamHD Wifi Drone
- Selfie Drone Exit Pop Bundle Bye2Get1
→ SkyCamHD Wifi Drone Bye 2 Get 1 - Selfie Drone USB Charger → SkyCamHD Wifi Drone USB Charger
- Selfie Drone Propellers → SkyCamHD Wifi Drone Propellers
- Selfie Drone Controller → SkyCamHD Wifi Drone Controller
10 | Euphoric Feet | FR | euphoricfeet.com/fr// | Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Decline-split-test|Index|Index-v2|Order (update to newest template pls!)|Order-sock|Order-split|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/index | LIVE | done | EF0000073 | |
11 | Euphoric Feet | IT |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Decline-paypal-v3|Decline-split-v2|Index|Index-v2|Order (update to newest template pls!)|Order-error|Order-sock|Order-split|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/index|pre/4/de/index | LIVE | done | EF0000075 | | - Index-v2, Order-error, pre/4/de/index, Order-split: Don't use
| |
12 | Euphoric Feet | EN | euphoricfeet.com/en/ | Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Order|Order-sock|Order-split (make new order.html)|Order-spray|Order-v2|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/en/index|pre/4/en/index-v2|pre/4/en/index-v3 | LIVE | done | EF0000071 | |
13 | NatureSpa Shower Head | EN |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Contact-us2|Decline|Order (update to newest template pls!)|Order-v2|Order-v3|Order-v4|Policy|Special-offer-mini-spa|Special-offer-t|Success|Terms|pre/1/index|pre/2/index | LIVE | done | NS0000121 | | Missing URL |
14 | StarScope | EN |
| Affiliate-form|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Index-v2|Order|Order-v2|Policy|Special-offer-bp|Special-offer-mon-mini|Special-offer-mon-mini-v2|Special-offer-tri|Success|Terms | LIVE | done | SS0000161 | |
15 | BuzzGone | BR |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Order|Policy|Special-offer-mini-trap|Success|Terms|Pre/1/index | LIVE | done | BG0000037 | |
16 | SirenGuard | EN |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Order|Order-v2|Policy|Special-offer-bat|Special-offer-sdsp|Success|Terms|Pre/1/index|Pre/2/index|Pre1/index|Pre2/index|Pre3/index | LIVE | done | SG0000141 | |
17 | Euphoric Feet | SE |
| LIVE | done | EF0000078 | |
18 | Euphoric Feet | DK |
| Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Decline-paypal-v3|Decline-split-v2|Index|Index-v2|Order|Order-sock|Order-split|Order-split-v2|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/index|pre/4/de/index | LIVE | done | EF0000079 | |
19 | TVRadius | EN |
| Affiliate-form|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Order|Order-amp|Policy|Special-offer-amp|Special-offer-ant-mini|Success|Terms | LIVE | done | TR0000191 | | |
20 | TVRadius | DE |
| Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Order-amp | Order-split (becomes new order.html, after latest updates) | Order-v1 | Order-v2 | Policy | Special-offer-amp | Special-offer-amp-v2 | Special-offer-amp-v3 | Special-offer-amp-v4 | Special-offer-amp-v5 | Special-offer-ant-mini | Success | Terms | LIVE |
| TR0000192 | |
21 | Euphoric Feet | MX |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Decline-split-test | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-mini-sole | Special-offer-sock | Special-offer-spr | Success | Terms | pre/4/index | LIVE | done | EF00000711 | | |
22 | Euphoric Feet | NL |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Decline-paypal-v3 | Decline-split-v2 | Index | Index-v2 | Order | Order-sock | Order-split | Order-split-v2 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-sole | Special-offer-sock | Special-offer-spr | Success | Terms | pre/4/index | pre/4/de/index | LIVE |
| EF00000712 | | - Index-v2, Order-split, Order-split-v2, pre/4/de/index: Don't use
23 | Euphoric Feet | NO |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Decline-paypal-v3 | Decline-split-v2 | Index | Index-v2 | Order | Order-sock | Order-split | Order-split-v2 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-sole | Special-offer-sock | Special-offer-spr | Success | Terms | pre/4/index | pre/4/de/index | LIVE | done | EF00000710 | |
24 | Exposure Optics | EN | exposureoptics.com |
| LIVE | done | EO0000081 | |
25 | Velox Adapter | EN | veloxadapter.com |
| LIVE | done | VA0000201 | |
26 | SkyCamHD | DE |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/index | LIVE | done | SC0000152 | | Currently Product Name on Order confirm page have not been updated as same as on EN version. Ebook and Manual files not translate to DE |
27 | SkyCamHD | FR |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/index | LIVE | done | SC0000153 | |
28 | NatureSpa Shower Head | DE |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order (update to new template pls!) | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | done | NS0000122 | |
29 | NatureSpa Shower Head | FR |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE |
| NS0000123 | |
30 | TVFix | EN | freeseetv.com |
| LIVE | done | TF0000181 | |
31 | NatureSpa Shower Head | DK |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | done | NS0000129 | | |
32 | NatureSpa Shower Head | ES |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE |
| NS0000124 | | |
33 | Superboost Wifi | MX |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Order | Policy | Special-offer-mini-booster | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | LIVE | done | SW00001711 | |
34 | NatureSpa Shower Head | IT |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | DeclineContact-us2 | Decline -split-test | IndexOrder | IndexOrder-v2 | Order (update to newest template pls!)|Order-sock-v3 | Order-splitv4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-solespa | Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|t | Success | Terms | pre/4/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | done | EF0000073 | 11 | Euphoric Feet | IT | NS0000125 | |
35 | Superboost Wifi | FR |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline |Decline-paypal-v3 | Decline-split-v2|Index|Index-v2|Order (update to newest template pls!)|Order-error| Order -sock | Order-split| Policy | Special-offer-mini-soleadapter | Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-sprmini-booster | Success | Terms |pre/4/index | pre/4/de1/index | LIVE | done | SW0000173 | euphoricfeet.com/en/ | EF0000075 | - Index-v2, Order-error, pre/4/de/index, Order-split: Don't use
| | 12 | Euphoric Feet | EN | |
36 | SkyCamHD | BR |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Order-sockPolicy | Order-split (make new order.html)|Order-spray|Order-v2|Policy|Special-offer-controller | Special-offer- mini-soleprop | Special-offer- sockskycam-mini | Special-offer- sprusb | Success | Terms | pre/ 4/en2/index | pre/ 4/en/index-v2|pre/4/en/index-v31/index | LIVE |
| SC0000157 |
37 | Hearing Hero | EN | myhearinghero.com |
| LIVE | done | EF0000071 | 13 | HH0000101 | |
38 | NatureSpa Shower Head | ENNO |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2us2 | Decline | Order (update to newest template pls!) | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE |
| doneNS00001210 | NS0000121 | Missing URL | 14 |
StarScope | EN | Affiliate-form39 | NatureSpa Shower Head | SE |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | IndexOrder | IndexOrder-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v2v4 | Policy |Special-offer-bp|Special-offer-mon-mini | Special-offer-mon-mini-v2spa | Special-offer-trit | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE |
| doneNS0000128SS0000161 |
4015 | Superboost Wifi | BuzzGone | BR |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Order | Policy | Special-offer-adapter | Special-offer-mini-trapbooster | Success | Terms | Prepre/1/index | LIVE | done | BG0000037 | 16 | SirenGuard | EN index | LIVE | done | SW0000177 | |
41 | SirenGuard | BR |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Order-v2| Policy | Special-offer-bat | Special-offer-sdsp | Success | Terms | Pre/1/index | Pre/2/index | Pre1/index | Pre2/index | Pre3/index | LIVE |
| doneSG0000147SG0000141 | | 17Euphoric FeetSEdone |
42 | EF0000078Power Dog Chews | 18 | Euphoric Feet | DK | Affiliate|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Decline-paypal-v3|Decline-split-v2|Index|Index-v2|Order|Order-sock|Order-split|Order-split-v2|Policy|Special-offer-mini-sole|Special-offer-sock|Special-offer-spr|Success|Terms|pre/4/index|pre/4/de/indexEN | powerdogchews.com |
| LIVE | done | EF0000079PD0000131 |
1943 | TVRadiusCirca Charge | EN | Affiliate-form|Confirm|Contact-us|Decline|Index|Order|Order-amp|Policy|Special-offer-amp|Special-offer-ant-mini|Success|TermsEN | circacharge.com |
| LIVE | done | TR0000191 | | 20 | TVRadius | DE | Affiliate-form | CC0000041 | |
44 | Circa Charge | DE | circacharge.com |
| LIVE | done | CC0000042 | |
45 | Circa Charge | FR | circacharge.com |
| LIVE |
| CC0000043 | |
46 | Energix Charge (Home) | DE |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Order-amp home | Order-split home-v2 (becomes new order.html, after latest updates-home, new template adjustments) | Order-v1 v2 | Order-v2 v3 | Policy | Special-offer-amp | Special-offer-amp-v2 Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-amp-v3 car | Special-offer-ampmini-v4 car | Special-offer-amp-v5 hom | Special-offer-antmini-mini home | Success | Terms | LIVE | TR0000192| Presalev3 | Presalev4 | Presalev5 | Presalev6 | pre-1 | pre-2 | MX | 21 | Euphoric Feet | |
| EC0000062 | Not implement | - Order: not being use
- Order-v2: Not implement
47 | Autocam | DE |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Decline-split-test | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-mini-sole cam | Special-offer-sock night | Special-offer-spr sdc | Success | Terms | pre-1 | pre/41/index | LIVE | EF00000711 | | 22 | Euphoric Feet | NL | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Decline-paypal-v3 | Decline-split-v2 | Index | Index-v2 | Order | Order-sock | Order-split | Order-split-v2 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-sole | Special-offer-sock | Special-offer-spr | Success | Terms | pre/4/index | pre/4/de/index | LIVE | EF00000712 | - Index-v2, Order-split, Order-split-v2, pre/4/de/index: Don't use
| 23 | Euphoric Feet | NO | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Decline-paypal-v3 | Decline-split-v2 | Index | Index-v2 | Order | Order-sock | Order-split | Order-split-v2 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-sole | Special-offer-sock | Special-offer-spr | Success | Terms | pre/4/index | pre/4/de/index | LIVE | EF00000710 | 24 | Exposure Optics | EN | exposureoptics.com | LIVE | done | EO0000081 | 25 | Velox Adapter | EN | veloxadapter.com | LIVE | done | VA0000201 | 26 | SkyCamHD | DE | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/index | LIVE | done | SC0000152 | Currently Product Name on Order confirm page have not been updated as same as on EN version. Ebook and Manual files not translate to DE | 27 | SkyCamHD | FR | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/index | LIVE | SC0000153 | 28 | NatureSpa Shower Head | DE | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order (update to new template pls!) | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | NS0000122 | 29 | NatureSpa Shower Head | FR | | done | AC0000012 | |
48 | Autocam | FR |
| pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index | |
| AC0000013 | |
49 | Autocam | BR |
| Use required URL list in the ticket DFSB-1402 | |
| AC0000017 | |
50 | Autocam | ES |
| pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index | |
| AC0000014 |
51 | Autocam | IT |
| pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index | |
| AC0000015 |
52 | Autocam | PT |
| pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index | pre-2 | index-v2 | order-v2 | |
| AC0000016 | |
53 | TVFix | DE | freeseetv.com |
| |
| TF0000182 | |
54 | TVRadius | BR |
| Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Order-amp | Order-v1 | Orderv2 | Policy | Special-offer-amp | Special-offer-ant-mini | Success | Terms | |
| TR0000197 |
55 | SkyCamHD | ES |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | OrderSpecial-offer-v2 controller | OrderSpecial-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini -spa | Special-offer-t usb | Success | Terms | pre/12/index | pre/21/index | LIVE | NS0000123 | 30 | TVFix | EN | freeseetv.com | LIVE | done | TF0000181 | |
| SC0000154 |
3156 | NatureSpa Shower HeadSkyCamHD | DKIT |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Contact-us2 Ebook | Decline Index | Order | Policy | OrderSpecial-offer-v2 controller | OrderSpecial-v3 | Orderoffer-v4 prop | Policy | Special-offer-skycam-mini -spa | Special-offer-t usb | Success | Terms | pre/12/index | pre/21/index | LIVE | NS0000129 | | 32 | NatureSpa Shower Head | ES | |
| SC0000155 |
57 | SkyCamHD | MX |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Contact-us2 Ebook | Decline Index | Order | Policy | OrderSpecial-offer-v2 controller | OrderSpecial-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini -spa | Special-offer-t usb | Success | Terms | pre/12/index | pre/21/index | LIVE | NS0000124 | | 33 | Superboost Wifi | MX | |
| SC00001511 | |
58 | NatureSpa Shower Head | MX |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-booster spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | LIVE | SW00001711 | | pre/2/index | |
| NS00001211 |
3459 | NatureSpa Shower Head | ITNL |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | NS0000125 | 35 | Superboost Wifi | FR | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Order | Policy | Special-offer-adapter | Special-offer-mini-booster | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | LIVE | SW0000173| Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | |
| NS00001212 | |
60 | NatureSpa Shower Head | BR |
| |
| NS0000127 |
61 | NatureSpa Shower Head | PT |
| |
| NS0000126 |
62 | Cribcam | EN | https://www.mycribcam.com/ |
| | done | CC0000051 | |
63 | Family Guard Pro | EN | familyguardpro.com |
| Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | | 36 | SkyCamHD | BR | | done | FG0000091 |
64 | TVRadius | FR |
| Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | pre-1 | pre-2 | pre-3 | order | order-v1 | order-v2 | order-v3 | Policy | Special-offer-controller amp | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/index | LIVE | SC0000157 | 37 | Hearing Hero | EN | myhearinghero.com | LIVE | done | HH0000101 | 38 | NatureSpa Shower Head | NO | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | NS00001210 | 39 | NatureSpa Shower Head | SE | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-mini-spa | Special-offer-t | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | LIVE | NS0000128 | 40 | Superboost Wifi | BR | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Order | Policy | Special-offer-adapter | Special-offer-mini-booster | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | LIVE | SW0000177 | ant-mini | Success | Terms | | |
| TR0000193 | |
65 | BuzzGone | EN | https://www.buzzbgone.com |
| |
66 | Chakra Sole | EN | https://www.chakrasole.com/en/ |
| |
67 | Chakra Sole | DE | https://www.chakrasole.com/de/ |
| |
68 | Chakra Sole | FR | https://www.chakrasole.com/fr/ |
| |
69 | Euphoric Feet | JP | https://www.euphoricfeet.com |
| |
70 | Euphoric Feet | ID | https://www.euphoricfeet.com |
| |
71 | Euphoric Feet | ES | https://www.euphoricfeet.com |
| |
72 | Euphoric Feet | CL | https://www.euphoricfeet.com |
| |
4173 | SirenGuardEuphoric Feet | BR | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-bat | Special-offer-sdsp | Success | Terms | Pre/1/index | Pre/2/index | Pre1/index | Pre2/index | Pre3/index | LIVE | SG0000147 | 42 | Power Dog Chews | EN | powerdogchews.com | LIVE | done | PD0000131 | 43 | Circa Charge | EN | circacharge.com | LIVE | done | CC0000041CO | https://www.euphoricfeet.com |
| |
74 | Janssen Jewelry | EN | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
75 | Janssen Jewelry | BR | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
76 | Janssen Jewelry | DE | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
77 | Janssen Jewelry | DK | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
4478 | Circa ChargeJanssen Jewelry | DE | circacharge.com | LIVE | done | CC0000042FI | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
4579 | Circa Charge | FR | circacharge.com | LIVE | CC0000043 | 46 | Energix Charge (Home) | DE | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Order-home | Order-home-v2 (becomes new order-home, new template adjustments) | Order-v2 | Order-v3 | Order-v4 | Policy | Special-offer-car | Special-offer-mini-car | Special-offer-hom | Special-offer-mini-home | Success | Terms | Presalev3 | Presalev4 | Presalev5 | Presalev6 | pre-1 | pre-2Janssen Jewelry | JP | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
80 | Janssen Jewelry | EC0000062FR | - Order: not being use
- Order-v2: Not implement
| 47 | Autocam | DE | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-mini-cam | Special-offer-night | Special-offer-sdc | Success | Terms | pre-1 | pre/1/indexhttps://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
81 | Hearing Hero | DE | myhearinghero.com |
| |
82 | Second Stream TV | EN | https://www.secondstreamtv.com |
| AC0000012 |
8348 | Secure Watch 365 | Autocam | FR | pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/indexEN | https://securewatch365.com |
| AC0000013 |
8449 | TripleBristle | Autocam | BR | Use required URL list in the ticket DFSB-1402 | EN | https://try.triplebristle.com |
| AC0000017 |
8550 | TVFix | AutocamBRES | freeseetv.com | pre-1 | pre-2 | pre-3 | index | order | special-offerorder-sdc amp | special-offer-night amp | special-offer-ant-mini -cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index | |
86 | TVFix | DK | freeseetv.com |
| |
87 | Hearing Hero | DE | myhearinghero.com |
| |
88 | Velox Adapter | FR | veloxadapter.com |
| | AC0000014 |
| 51 | Autocam | IT | pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2196 |
89 | Velox Adapter | BR | veloxadapter.com |
| | AC0000015 | 52 | Autocam | PT | pre-1 | index | order | special-offer-sdc | special-offer-night | special-offer-mini-cam | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | pre/1/index | pre-2 | index-v2 | order-v2 | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
| AC0000016 | 53 | TVFix | DE | freeseetv.com Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2195 |
| 90 | SkyCamHD | JP |
| | TF0000182 |
| 54 | TVRadius | BR | Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Order-amp | Order-v1 | Orderv2 | Policy | Special-offer-amp | Special-offer-ant-mini | Success | Terms Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2115 |
91 | NatureSpa Shower Head | CL |
| |
92 | NatureSpa Shower Head | CO |
| | TR0000197 | 55 | SkyCamHD | ES | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/index |
93 | Superboost Wifi | ES |
| |
94 | Superboost Wifi | IT |
| SC0000154 |
95 | 56 | SkyCamHD | IT | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | Success | Terms | pre/2/index | pre/1/indexSuperboost Wifi | NL |
| SC0000155 |
9657 | SirenGuard | SkyCamHD | MX PT | https://www.sirenguard.com | Affiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Ebook | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-controller bat | Special-offer-prop | Special-offer-skycam-mini | Special-offer-usb | sdsp | Success | Terms | pre| Pre/1/index | Pre/2/index | pre/1Pre1/index | Pre2/index | Pre3/index | SC00001511 |
97 | 58 | NatureSpa Shower Head | MX StarScope | BR |
| Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order Index | OrderIndex-v2 | Order -v3 | Order-v4 Policy | Policy Privacy | Special-offer-mini-spa bp | Special-offer-t tri | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | NS00001211 |
98 | 59 | NatureSpa Shower Head | NL | Affiliate StarScope | DE |
| Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Contact-us2 | Decline | Order Index | OrderIndex-v2 | Order -v3 | Order-v4 Policy | Policy Privacy | Special-offer-mini-spa bp | Special-offer-t tri | Success | Terms | pre/1/index | pre/2/index | | NS00001212 | 60 | NatureSpa Shower Head | BR | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
NS0000127 | 61 | NatureSpa Shower Head |
| PT99 | Circa Charge | BR |
| NS0000126 |
100 | 62 | Cribcam | EN | cribcam.com | Circa Charge | ES |
| done |
101 | CC0000051Circa Charge | 63 | Family Guard Pro | EN | familyguardpro.com | IT |
| |
| doneFG0000091Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | pre-1 | pre-2 | pre-3 | order | order-v1 | order-v2 | order-v3 | Policy | Special-offer-amp | Special-offer-ant-mini | Success | Terms | | 64 | TVRadius | FR | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2086 |
102 | Velox Adapter | DE | veloxadapter.com |
| 65 | BuzzGone | EN | https://www.buzzbgone | TR0000193 | | |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2197 |
103 | Velox Adapter | PT | veloxadapter.com |
| |
| | 66Chakra Sole | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
67 | Chakra Sole | DE | https://www.chakrasole.com/de/ | EN | https://www.chakrasole.com/en/ | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2194 |
| 104 | SkyCamHD | KO |
| | 68
| Chakra Sole | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
69 | Euphoric Feet | JP | https://www.euphoricfeet.com | FR | https://www.chakrasole.com/fr/ | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2081 |
| 105 | SkyCamHD | NO |
| | 70
| Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
71 | Euphoric Feet | ES | https://www.euphoricfeet.com | Euphoric Feet | ID | https://www.euphoricfeet.com | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2082 |
| 106 | SkyCamHD | FI |
| | 72
| Euphoric Feet | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
73 | Euphoric Feet | CO | CL | https://www.euphoricfeet.com | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2110 |
| 107 | SirenGuard | MX | https://www.euphoricfeetsirenguard.com |
| | 74
| Janssen Jewelry | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
75 | Janssen Jewelry | BR | EN | https://www.janssenjewelry.com | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2123 |
| 108 | FamilyGuard Pro | FR | https://www.janssenjewelryfamilyguardpro.com |
| |
| | 76Janssen Jewelry | DE | https://www.janssenjewelry.com | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
77columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2077 |
| 109 | Janssen Jewelry | DKIT | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| | 78
| Janssen Jewelry | 79 | Janssen Jewelry | JP | FI | https://www.janssenjewelry.com | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2263 |
| 110 | UberTorch | EN | https://www.janssenjewelryubertorch.com |
| | 80
| myhearinghero | Janssen Jewelry | FR | https://www.janssenjewelry.com | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
81 | Hearing Hero | DE | server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2175 |
| 111 | Action Hero | EN | actionhero.com |
| | 82 | Second Stream TV | EN | https://www.secondstreamtv
112 | Velox Adapter | MX | veloxadapter.com |
| | 83
| Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
84 | TripleBristle | EN | Secure Watch 365 | EN | https://securewatch365.com | server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2193 |
| 113 | FamilyGuard Pro | BR | https://trywww.triplebristlefamilyguardpro.com |
| |
| | 85pre-1 | pre-2 | pre-3 | index | order | order-amp | special-offer-amp | special-offer-ant-mini | affiliate | policy | terms | decline | success | confirm | contact-us | TVFix | BR | freeseetv.com | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2076 |
114 | Ecocurrant | EN | https://www.ecocurrant.com |
| | 86
| TVFixmyhearinghero.com | DK | freeseetv.com | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
87 | Hearing Hero | DE | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2340 |
| 115 | Autocam | MX | https://www.autocamhd.com/ |
| veloxadapter | 88 | Velox Adapter | FR | |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-1926 |
116 | SkyCamHD | DK | https://www.skycamhddrone.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-21962112 |
89117 | Velox AdapterJanssen Jewelry | BR | veloxadapterES | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2195 |
| 90 | SkyCamHD | JP |
118 | Janssen Jewelry | KO | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2115 |
| 91 | NatureSpa Shower Head | CL | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
92 | NatureSpa Shower Head | CO | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
93 | Superboost Wifi | ES | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
94 | Superboost Wifi | IT | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
95 | Superboost Wifi | NL | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
96 | SirenGuard | PT | 119 | Janssen Jewelry | NL | https://www.sirenguard.comAffiliate | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Order | Policy | Special-offer-bat | Special-offer-sdsp | Success | Terms | Pre/1/index | Pre/2/index | Pre1/index | Pre2/index | Pre3/indexjanssenjewelry.com |
| |
| | 9798 | StarScope | DE | Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Index-v2 | Order | Policy | Privacy | Special-offer-bp | Special-offer-tri | Success | Terms | StarScope | BR | Affiliate-form | Confirm | Contact-us | Decline | Index | Index-v2 | Order | Policy | Privacy | Special-offer-bp | Special-offer-tri | Success | Terms | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2265 |
| 120 | Janssen Jewelry | NO | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| | 99
| Circa ChargeBR | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
101 | Circa Charge | IT | Status |
colour | Green |
title | live |
| 100 | Circa Charge | ES | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2266 |
| 121 | Janssen Jewelry | PT | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-20862267 |
102122 | Velox AdapterJanssen Jewelry | DE | veloxadapterSE | https://www.janssenjewelry.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2197 |
| 103 | Velox Adapter | PT | veloxadapter |
123 | DFY Daily | EN | https://www.dfydaily.com/ | E-Commerce | |
124 | SirenGuard | CO | https://www.sirenguard.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-21942405 |
125104 | SirenGuard | SkyCamHD | KODE | https://www.sirenguard.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-20812297 |
126105 | SirenGuard | SkyCamHD | NOES | https://www.sirenguard.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2082 |
| 106 | SkyCamHD | FI |
127 | Mirror Cast Media | EN | https://www.mirrorcastmedia.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-21102030 |
107128 | SirenGuardMirror Cast Media | MXBR | https://www.sirenguardmirrorcastmedia.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-21232461 |
| 108 | FamilyGuard Pro |
FR129 | Mirror Cast Media | DE | https://www.familyguardpromirrorcastmedia.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-20772462 |
| 109 | Janssen Jewelry |
IT130 | Mirror Cast Media | DK | https://www.janssenjewelrymirrorcastmedia.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-22632463 |
110131 | UberTorchHDZOOM360 | ENES | https://www.ubertorchhdzoom360.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-21752247 |
| 111 | Action Hero | EN |
actionhero132 | SuperBoost Wi-Fi | MX | superboostwifi.com |
| |
112133 | Velox AdapterNuWiper | MXEN | veloxadapterwww.nuwiper.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA | columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-2451 |
134 | BuzzBgone | DE | https://www.buzzbgone.com |
| |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-21932370 |
135 |
113136 |