On this page are explained all the below topics:
What the Email Templates section is about?
On this page, users can create Templates for the Emails, which are then available to be picked on the Campaign Settings page> Email Settings >Individual Emails.
What are Individual Emails?
Once customers are on the landing page to buy the product of this campaign and proceed with the purchase, they will receive an email confirmation related to each order, or else said one confirmation email for the main order and a confirmation email for each one of the upsells purchased along the funnel. Then, of course, once the items go to fulfillment, customers will receive another email confirmation, this time letting them know the tracking number of the item and another email confirmation letting them know other information related to the delivery and so forth.
Where is the Email Templates section located?
To find this section, follow the below steps.
Log into CRM and go to the left side menu
Scroll down and click on the Campaign Management
Then click on Email Templates
What on the Email Templates page?
On the Email Templates page, all the below options are available for users.
Search bar
On the search bar, by typing the name of the template or email type, the system will narrow down the template list:
In order to modify the content of the template, just click on the Edit button
and the user is redirected to the template page
Create New
By clicking on the Create New button
users can create a new email template
By clicking on the refresh button, the page will be refreshed and all the latest changes on the templates will be displayed
List of existing Templates
On the page are also listed all existing Bundled Email Templates available, highlighting the Template details below:
Template Name
Email Type
Update Date
Action button