We need to collect address details in local format. It helps us ensure correct addresses are recorded.
- Correct Address Format:
Avenue or Street | Av. Paulista R. Augusta |
Number:house number building number, floor and apartment | 1024 1098, 1º andar, apto. 101 |
Neighbourhood | Bela Vista |
City | São Paulo |
State Code (States in Brazil have abbreviation codes) | SP |
Country | Brasil |
Postal Code | 01310-000 |
Name | Lívia Amaral |
Street/ Avenue Name + Number | Av. Paulista, 1098, 1º andar, apto. 101 |
Neighbourhood | Bela Vista |
City + State Code | São Paulo - SP |
Country | Brasil |
Postal Code | 01310-000 |
- Fields - translation:
English | Full Name | Street/ Avenue | Number | Unit | City | State | Neighbourhood | Postal Code | E-mail Address | Phone Number |
Portuguese Title | Nome Completo | Rua/Avenida | Número | Complemento | Cidade | Estado | Bairro | CEP | Número de telefone |
- Field form example: Numero is separated from Rua
- Put CEP first (for type ahead autofill purpose)
You can use this as a zip code lookup:
- Notes:
- This field form is only an example. Do not copy that.
- Use field translations from the table
- Use CEP for postcode
- CEP - 8 digits, use format ‘nnnnn-nnn’
Required fields: Full Name, Street/ Avenue, Number, Unit (optional),Neighbourhood (optional), City, State, Postal Code, E-mail Address, Phone Number (optional)
- On mobile version - show numpad for postcode and phone number. Example:
Development ticket: - DFSB-198Getting issue details... STATUS
Submitting to CRM
Using Find CEP API
Development ticket: - DFSB-956Getting issue details... STATUS
- getAddressFormBR: function(data){...}
- submitAddressFormBR: function(){...}
- Numero -> That is the house number. This field should be mandatory, and we expect the customer to input that data. You will concatenate this field in the "address1" with a comma. example: Rua das Orquideas, 587
- Complemtento -> Not mandatory. Only when someone leaves in apartments or any kind of complex with unit number. You will concatenate this field in the "address2" with a dash.example: Chacara Primavera - unidade 22
Submitting CPF field
We need to send the CPF value in the place order call for Brazil. Currently it's not sending it, so we are getting a decline from EBANX.
Current JSON:
{ "email":"andre.thivierge@emanagecrm.com", "phoneNumber":"60455555555", "firstName":"Andre", "lastName":"Thivierge" }
Please add the following values in Customer:
"customerIdentificationValue":"698.868.809-96", //CPF value taken from CPF field
"customerIdentificationTypeId":1 //always 1
Updated JSON sample:
{ "email":"andre.thivierge34324@emanagecrm.com", "phoneNumber":"6045555555", "firstName":"Andre", "lastName":"Thivierge", "customerIdentificationValue":"957.734.334-19", "customerIdentificationTypeId":1 }