This guidelines describes how you can use the pre-define templates from CMS to create a new funnel site quickly.
- You need the CRM information related to the funnel you're about to create. Includes:
- X_CID (Client ID). If the CRM instance is not yet setup, please request. E.g. 615408F4-EA88-4AB0-BD7D-82EF140C1928 (Sandbox)
- Campaign WID for the main product. E.g. e32b2a8c-700a-4930-a298-d7806a68e379
- Product IDs of the main campaign. E.g. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 (Exitpop)
- If you have an upsell product, get the campaign WID of the upsell. E.g. 04206407-1b2c-451d-9f3a-d6ceeafe2486
- Product ID of the upsell. E.g. 51
- If you have a mini upsell, get the campaign WID of the mini upsell. E.g. 4206407-1b2c-451d-9f3a-d6ceeafe2486
- Product ID of the mini upsell. E.g. 50
- Prepare the content, images according to the templates
Copy Template site to a new site
- Go to System User > Site
Select the templates you want to use
Update content and images
Delete the templates which were not used