eManage CRM new API endpoints - 2022
From now on, we'll use 3 main API's to display info and place orders in campaigns websites:
WEBSALES API (https://dev.azure.com/dfoglobal/DFO/_git/ecrm-websales)
All requests that can create/edit orders and receipts (I'm talking about INSERT/UPDATE operations at the database) by the campaigns, will be inside the WebSales API. This is an isolated environment due to PCI compliance requirements, with lots of logs and restrictions. That's why we'll keep just the minimum operations here.
PRICES API (https://dev.azure.com/dfoglobal/DFO/_git/ecrm-websales)
It's a simple API, heavily used, with just 3 endpoints to provide prices in real time for campaigns and inner systems. It's separated from the rest so we can scale independently.
SALES SUPPORT API (https://dev.azure.com/dfoglobal/DFO/_git/ecrm_salessupport)
All operations used by campaigns or directly by the customers (like subscription logins) will be here, so we can scale independently and we don't need to update the PCI environment so often.
We'll need to gradually update our campaigns to point to the new API's (some campaigns are already using the new Prices API). Today we use a mix of 2 app addresses to perform the operations:
Today, the "sales-prod" app is being used as a gateway to the real PCI WebSales API and also doing the role of the Sales Support. The "websales-api.tryemanagecrm.com" is being used for a few operations that were also incorporated by the new Sales Support API.
We need to move away from those endpoints and begin to use the new ones. The idea is that, someday, we could delete for good the old apps and their respective endpoints.