Test Results - Jul 9-Jul 16 2018
- TV Fix EN - Launched two brand new checkout page tests this week. Page 1 preview, Page 2 preview. So far, control is winning though. ETA on statistically significant results is Tuesday, July 17th.
- Preselection Warranty Test - Based of research and at request, we're tried pre-selecting warranty. So far in a limited sample, almost doubling our CVR. This test has been horizontally scaled to all insole traffic offers. ETA is Monday, July 16th for stat-sig results.One note on warranty - part of it may be the customer assuming it's a "free gift" - which is an interesting hypothesis. I would like to keep it running to see if this sticks, because the results are quite good. If the numbers stick, it might be worth consideration for testing other "free gifts", should the hypothesis be correct.
- Discovery of several UX issues via viewing 100 session recordings, among some live testing. I'll handle these in a separate e-mail.
- Data Flushes - The TV Fix checkout page tests had to be flushed twice; once due to a missing tracking pixels, the other time due to a CVV validation error on the split test page. The MindInsole issue also delayed the warranty test a day.
- Bugs - A few bug reports have been issues in JIRA; mostly alignment/formatting issues i.e. CTA on Euphoric Feet saying Chakra Sole, etc. These bugs delayed some A/B tests.
- Tracking Issues - noted on DFSB
- Split Test(s) - Paypal reference transactions; going to test at the same time on all our 1st upsells
- Split Test - two new checkouts for MindInsole; same as TV Fix, but to get a different perspective. Thanks Khai and your team for the quick turnaround on these.
- A/B Tests - trust/guarantee logo tests (A/B) should be ready for next week
Current Site Priorities
- Euphoric Feet (DE/FR)
- MindInsole (US)
- TV Fix (EN)