30 Day / 37 Day Guarantee (Euro Geos)
This test was aimed at determining if showcasing a "Money Back Guarantee" seal would lower buyers anxiety and result in a higher conversion rate, and if so,
which one was most effective of those tested. The concept for this test was based on competitor sites that promote 30-Day money back Guarantees.
The initial test was run with a 14-Day Guarantee seal in DE / FR to stay within our TC policy guidelines (results). After the conclusion of this test Pascal and Bruce
requested an increase in the money back guarantee date range to 30 Days and 37 Days, with the purpose of increasing the value of the guarantee to drive more sales.
Test Variables
CVR, EPC / (Possible variable > AOV)
Summary of Results
This test garnered some positive results with the 30-Day Guarantee variation succeeding on TVFix FR, EurphoricFeet DE and almost breaking even with control on TVRadius DE. ( I will double check TVRadius DE test for any flaws and run again). On the flip side, the 37-Day Guarantee variation failed across all tested sites except for EurophricFeet DE, where it managed to break even with control. I believe the 30-Day variation succeeded over 37-Day variation because of the more common use of 30-Day Guarantees on e-commerce sites.
To conclude, this split test produced small yet positive results, however not significant enough to scale.