On this page will be discussed the below topics:
Customer Service Templates
In the Customer Service Templates section, users can create Customer Service Templates. The goal behind this feature is to make it easier and quicker for users to change information in hundreds of email templates just by editing the Customer Service Template.
Users have to link the Customer Service template to hundreds of email templates by adding the specific Customer Service variable to the email template
Include the Customer Service template into the Campaign Setting page
by editing any of the information of the Customer Service template, all email templated connected to this template will have the data change as specified by the user.
Where the Customer Service Templates section is located
Log in to CRM and go to the left-side menu
Click on the Campaign Management section
Then, hit Customer Service Templates.
How to set up a Customer Service Template
1. Create a new Customer Service Template
Click on the + Create New button
The user is redirected to a new page where, by filling in all details requested, a new Customer Service Template will be created
They need to fill in all the information requested, such as:
Once all details have been filled in, click on the Save button.
2. Add the emails Customer Service Templates in the campaign
Login into CRM
Go and click on the Campaign Management section
Hit Settings
Then click on the campaign name | Edit button that you need to edit or click on the + Create New button if you need to build a new one
In the Campaign Settings page, select the Email Settings
Then click on the Customer service template for this campaign field and pick one of the options displayed on the drop-down menu
Click on the Save button (or Create, if it’s a new campaign) on the right side of the page
3. Add the Customer Service Variable in the Email Templates of the Campaign(s)
To finalize the set-up of the Customer Service template needs to add the specific Customer Service Email Variable in the body of each email template listed in the campaign, where the Customer Service Template has been included.
Login into CRM
Go and click on the Campaign Management section
Then Email Template
Click on the email template name | Edit button to open the Email Template Setting page
On the Email Template Setting page, add the specific Customer Service Variable in the correct space, where the variable will automatically be replaced by the information set up in the Customer Service template.
Please note that by adding the Customer Service email variables in the email template, when customers receive the email, the variables are replaced by the specific information that has been set up in the Customer service Template
Customer Service Email Variables
CSTemplateHeadline |
CSTemplatePhoneNumber |
CSTemplateAddress |
CSTemplateSubtitle |
CSTemplateEmail |
CSTemplateCallToActionButtonLabel |
CSTemplateCallToActionButtonUrl |
CSTemplateUnsubscribeLabel |
CSTemplateUnsubscribeUrl |
CSTemplateImageUrl |
Editing an existing template
In order to edit an existing template, just click on the Editing button on the right side of each template row (see the below example):