We need to collect address details in local format. It helps us ensure correct addresses are recorded.
- Correct Address Format:
Avenue or Street | Av. Paulista R. Augusta |
Number:house number building number, floor and apartment | 1024 1098, 1º andar, apto. 101 |
Neighbourhood | Bela Vista |
City | São Paulo |
State Code (States in Brazil have abbreviation codes) | SP |
Country | Brasil |
Postal Code | 01310-000 |
Name | Lívia Amaral |
Street/ Avenue Name + Number | Av. Paulista, 1098, 1º andar, apto. 101 |
Neighbourhood | Bela Vista |
City + State Code | São Paulo - SP |
Country | Brasil |
Postal Code | 01310-000 |
- Fields - translation:
English | Full Name | Street/ Avenue | Number | Unit | City | State | Neighbourhood | Postal Code | E-mail Address | Phone Number |
Portuguese Title | Nome Completo | Rua/Avenida | Número | Complemento | Cidade | Estado | Bairro | CEP | Número de telefone |
- Field form example: Numero is separated from Rua
- Put CEP first (for type ahead autofill purpose)
You can use this as a zip code lookup:
- Notes:
- This field form is only an example. Do not copy that.
- Use field translations from the table
- Use CEP for postcode
- CEP - 8 digits, use format ‘nnnnn-nnn’
Required fields: Full Name, Street/ Avenue, Number, Unit (optional),Neighbourhood (optional), City, State, Postal Code, E-mail Address, Phone Number (optional)
- On mobile version - show numpad for postcode and phone number. Example:
Submitting to CRM
One example:
Av. Pedroso de Morais, 457
Sala 410
São Paulo, SP
[Street Name], [House Number] - Address1
[Complement ] - Address2
[City], [State]
[Postal Code]
To submit that to CRM, please use the following format:
Address1 -> Street name, number
Address2 -> complement
Suggestion for API integration
Even better, is to have a simple integration with an API that simply finds the address through the zip code. That is how our major websites work in Brazil.
The first step is to collect the zip code (CEP):
After inputting the information, call the CEP API (details at the end of the email), and auto-fill the address found, making sure that the customer fills the house number (has to be mandatory), and complement as optional.
In case that there is no address found, we can use the Google API to help the customer with the address, but as an exception. The CEP API should be very reliable.
See below the details on how to integrate the CEP API.
Simple GET call and you will have a Json as response.
https://api.postmon.com.br/v1/cep/{Postal Code Number}
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