The topics explained on this page:
What is the Reconciliate section about?
This section is helping the Analytics and Banking team to reconcile payment providers' transactions.
The Analytics team download a file with all transactions and then cross-checked them with the list of transactions recorded in CRM.
Hence, this section is the UI that will help simplify this process by letting any user do this validation.
Where the Reconciliate section is located?
Log in to CRM, go to the left side menu and click on Payments
Then click on Reconciliate
What’s on the Reconciliate page
On this page, users can see the list of previous reconciliation requests (see the below example):
which are divided by Payment Processor.
Each reconciliation has a specific id, displayed on the left side of each row. By clicking on the ID, the user is redirected to the reconciliation page and can check and edit transaction per transaction (see the below example):
Additionally, on the Reconciliate page, users can also search for a specific reconciliation by using the search fields at the top of the page