Brand | Ticket | CRO In Charge | Status |
TVBuddy | Katie | Test concluded - V1 FAIL Test Take 2 In Progress | |
Playbeatz | Katie | in QA | |
Kaydia Patch | katie | ~Kaydia Patch (ky design) test live in vwo ~Kaydia Patch (bc design) in QA ~Kaydia Clip (bc design) in QA | |
Nature Spa | Katie | ky design test in QA | |
Trulight | Sida | no offer no live traffic in verve | |
Second Sun | Sida | currently the default upsell | |
Better Than Zero | Sida | Test Live in VWO | |
SuperBoost | Paul | having dev team remove warranty upsell from the upsell pop first - https://dfoglobal.atlassian.net/browse/DFSB-4913 | |
QBKrafts | Paul | currently the default upsell | |
Fever Patrol | Paul | FeverPatrol setup on VWO | |
MobileKlean (including soap) | V | Test live in VWO | |
OshenWatch | V | Test live in VWO | |
Blaux AC | V | ||
Blaux Oxi | V | Test live in VWO | |
Fever Patrol Ring | Sida | Test live in VWO (very low traffic) | |
RangeXTD | Sida |