
  1. Select the Marketplace from the drop-down menu

  2. Then pick the store, if more than one is available

  3. The list of all products already sold in the stores is displayed below (see below image example)

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Additionally, from the products table, the users can easily spot the below details:

  • TitleProduct Name: in this column, the user can see the product name. Please note that editing the product name, it can ONLY be done on the Products section>product page.

  • Emanage SKU: this is the SKU of the product that is registered in CRM

  • Provider IdMarketplace ID: this is the product ID inside the marketplace.
    For example, for Amazon, is the ASIN. Additionally, this is compulsory for Amazon products but is not requested in the other Marketplaces.

  • Provider Marketplace SKU: this is the SKU that is registered inside the marketplace

  • Deleted: this is when the user deletes the product, the toggle is set to ON

  • Actions:

    titleEdit button
    titleDelete button


  1. Select the Marketplace from the drop-down menu

  2. Then pick the store, if more than one is available

  3. Type the SKU or Product name in the search field, if the product has been already added into the store, it will be visible below (see below image example)

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Adding a product to the store of the Marketplace

  1. Select the Marketplace from the drop-down menu

  2. Then pick the store, if more than one is available

  3. Click on the Product field and pick one of the products listed in the drop-down menu
    **Please note that those are products already configured in CRM under the Products section.

  4. Set up the Provider Marketplace Id and the Provider SKU
    **It’s important to highlight that these are fields mandatory ONLY for Amazon. On the other hand, the Provider Id is not requested Walmart and Shopify.(for Amazon and Walmart) or Shopify GID (for Shopify) the and the Marketplace SKU

  5. Click on the Save button and the product will be saved, on the store, with the specific Provider Id or/and Provider SKU that the user has just set up

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Linked product with Virtual SKU
