On this page are explained all below topics:


With the CRM, users can choose within from 3 different tax models:

  • DFO

  • Avalara (third party service integrated with eManage)

  • TaxJar (third party service integrated with eManage)


By switching to ON the toggle Create Tax Transaction?, if the campaign has been set to charge taxes to customers then this value is shown in on the Order page (see below example)


If the user switches to ON the toggle Return Label, the customer will receive back the amount of the product with discounted the XX amount of the return charged by Pitney Bowes.


Shipping Settings


  • Allow Grouped Shipping by Branch toggle:

  • Allow Grouped Shipping by Organization toggle:
  • Keep SKUs packages toggle: when active, the fulfillment will keep the same SKU in case of the product package.
    **Please note that this feature applies ONLY for Ontel.
    For example: in this specific case, packages are created within the product section with SKU like the below:
    - JETF_2
    - JETF_3
    - etc.
    So the SKU are already set as packages. By setting Setting the flag Keep SKUs packages to ON means that the system will leave the SKU unchanged when sending the order to the warehouse.
    On the contrary for all other cases, the system will read multiple units of the same product in the FE and add this information for the warehouse when the order is sent for fulfillment.
    Example of order using the flag:

    The product quantity is set to 1, even though in the SKU and product name is said that there are 4 units of the same product.
    Example of order not using the flag:

    In the above case, it is the system that informs the warehouse about the units quantity of the product, that is why the Product Quantity field is shown 3.

**Verify Customer’s Personal Info


  • .

Clear Web Sales API Cache



Please avoid using this button because by generating a new webkey, the campaign website(s) will stop working.


Email Settings

In this section, users can set up the confirmation and notification email that customers will receive upon completing a purchase.


In order to set up the individual emails of your website, users should take advantage of the below fields to include all the necessary configurations:

  • Use same SMTP configuration for all templates field: topick the SMTP to be used for them, by clicking on the - this is a mandatory informationSelect Campaigns list of Customized Template with language Englishfield: if requested, select a customized template in the required language (optional field). Additionally, this option is available ONLY after the campaign has been saved.???Customer service template for this campaign field: to choose one of its templates,even though this is optional information to be included ?????SMTP configuration for all templates field: topick the SMTP to be used for them, by clicking on the - this is a mandatory information

  • Top picks field: select one of the Top Picks available, which is also optional.


  • Name: the name of the Template

  • SMTP Settings: showing which SMTP has been previously chosen in the Use same SMTP configuration for all templates field

  • Email Template: ???

  • Is Required: ????

  • Actions: by clicking the Edit button

    a small tab will pop up and the user can set a few more options as per the below example


  • Use same SMTP configuration for all templates field: topick the SMTP to be used for them, by clicking on the - this is a mandatory information

  • Edit bundled email templates button: by clicking on it, users are redirected to the Bundled Emails templatesCustomer service template for this campaign field: to choose one of its templates,even though this is optional information to be included ?????redirected to the Bundled Emails templates

  • Top picks field: select one of the Top Picks available, which is also optional.


  • Edit: where instead of editing the field Sales Model, you can set it product by product already present in the list, if you, by for some reason, is editing a campaign already containing added products in it. Just do it as you would if you were adding a new item to the list, choose the options from Sale Type, Sales Workflow, and Product Sales Type fields then hit update and your edition will be automatically added to the product edit.


After finish editing, all your preferences inside the campaign, do not forget to hit Save before leaving the page, or your progress will be lost.



Presale Pop

The Presale Pop is a pop-up that appears to customers at the checkout, right after submitting the payment, asking if they like to upgrade their purchase for an additional $XX.


Presale Pops


It’s a pop-up displayed after the customer has submit the payment

It has is own checkout page, which follows the main order along the funnel.

It offers an upgrade of the current version of the product, already purchased by the customer, for an additional $XX amount of money.

For example:

  • If the main product is a mobile phone model 5

  • The Presale Pop offers the model 6 for an additonal $100

Generally is a complementary article, an additional gadget, to the main product sold.

For example:

  • If the main product is a mobile phone

  • The Upsell can be phone case, wireless, headphones, lifetime warranty, etc.


Setting up a Presale Pop

In this new section, users can set the Presale Pop feature up for the campaign they are editing.

There are 3 ways to set up a Presale Pop, please find attached below the steps for each one of them.

  • a Default selectable icon>Mini Upsell Product>Sales ModelModel
    - In this case, the user should select first the option Default
    - Then click on the Mini Upsell Product and pick one of the products from the drop-down menu
    - Next, select the Sales Model (see the below example)

    - The green Add button is the second to last action users should perform before saving the edition in the campaign.

  • Link to Products>Product Name>Select Products>Product Name>Select from all products>Mini Upsell Product (user can choose within all products available in the instance)>Sales Model
    In this case, the user should select first the option Link to Products
    - Choose the option Select from all products
    - Then click on the Mini Upsell Product and pick one of the products from the drop-down menu. Please note that for this option the user can choose within from all products available in the instance.
    - Next, select the Sales Model (see the below example)

    - The green Add button is the second to last action users should perform before saving the edition in the campaign.

  • Link to Products>Product Name>Select from related products>Mini Upsell Product (user can choose between the main product of the campaign and its packages)>Sales Model
    In this case, the user should select first the option Link to Products
    - Choose the option Select from all products
    - Then click on the Mini Upsell Product and pick one of the products from the drop-down menu. Please note that for this option the user can choose between the main product of the campaign and its packages.
    - Next, select the Sales Model (see the below example)

    - The green Add button is the second to last action users should perform before saving the edition in the campaign.


  1. From the campaign settings page, scroll down to the Presale Pop section

  2. Click on the Delete button on the right side of the presale pop that needs to be removed

  3. Once done, click on the Save button, to save the changes


  1. Create a campaign for each product that is going to be sold as an upsell

  2. Go to the main product campaign, scroll down up to the Upsell section

  3. On the search field, type the name of the upsell campaign that need needs to be added and click on it

  4. Then click on the Add button

  5. Once it’s done, click on the Save button, to save the changes


Please note that upsell will appear along the funnel in the same sequence in which they have been added into to the main campaign.

Using the above image as an example, the sequence of the upsell to appear to customers will be:


In this section, users can add Coupons that customers can use in the campaign.

To add the Coupons in to the campaign, users need to:

  • Click on the field and click on the coupon

  • Hit the Add button

  • Once done, click on the Save button


Payment Providers

In the Payment Providers section, users can easily include all the necessary payment providers and their MIDs into in the campaign.


Search and Select Payment Providers


In this section, users can configure the email provider in use to for the campaign in order to gather data from customers, or potential customers (the ones that abandoned the cart or cancel the transaction prior to the transaction having been fully submitted).


In order to know what information is needed for each one of them or where to gather that information inside the DRIP/Klaviyo account, please click on one of the two links above and refer to the specific helpdesk article.

How to add information


to the email provider

In order to add the appropriate information to the email provider, please follow the below instructions.

  1. The user needs to click on the Edit button, located on the right side of each provider

  2. A tab will pop that needs to be filled

  3. Then switch to on ON the toggle Is Active

  4. Once done, click on the Update button

  5. Ultimately, select the Save button, to save the changes (see below image example)


Please note that at DFO, the ONLY antifraud service available is Kount. Kount is a third-party anti-fraud service that has been integrated with eManage CRM.

**Custom Fields

**Customer Service Phones



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