
  1. Go to a DFO checkout pages

  2. Enter the 15 alphanumeric Gift Card codes in the Gift Card field

  3. Once the code is added into the field, this will automatically trigger a process where the FE checks if the amount of the Gift Card is enough to pay the entire order, or if it does cover just part of its cost. Consequently, there are two possible scenarios: 

    1. The amount of the Gift Card is enough to cover the order’s grand total: in this case, the system will process the payment as a normal offline payment and send the customer a confirmation email once the purchase is confirmed.

      It should be pointed out that customers

      Please note that:

      1. Customers will have to fill in the Shipping Address details.Another interesting point is that when

      2. When paying with a Gift Card, the system is not registering the CardId as normally does with any offline payments. Therefore, to enable customers to buy any upgrade or upsell, once the customer has selected one or the other, he/she will be requested to fill in the details with another payment method, otherwise, the purchase won’t be allowed.

    2. The amount of the Gift Card is NOT enough to cover the order’s grand total: in this case, the system will process the Gift Card as a coupon, which will partially pay the order, and for the rest of the amount, the customer should add another payment method (Credit Card, PayPal, etc.).
      Please see below an example of an order partially paid with a Gift Card: 

      As previously mentioned, the Gift Card is recognized and processed, by the system, as any other payment method. Therefore, this implies that any order, fully or partially paid with it, will display the below:

      1. By going to the Order Page>Payment History

      2. Click on the View Details button

      3. The Transaction Details tab will pop up and there is available all payment information (see the example below)
