Click on the button Issue New Gift Card
Fill in the Issue New Gift Card tab and
Click on Send button
The Gift Card will be sent via email to the customer and on the order page, it will show all the Gift cards issued, if more than one, underneath the Payment History area
A system note will be created and available in the Notes section of the order (see the below example)
Panel | ||||||
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Go to the Gift Card section
Click on the + Create New button
Choose which toggle to turn on, please note that users can pick just one, or a combination of two or all three of them.
The Is Customer toggle: Switching this one to Yes allows users to use the field Holder Email only to look for email addresses registered in the instance’s database
The Is Batch Card toggle: Switching to ON this button allows users to send a batch of gift cards to several customers' email addresses.
Just type the email address in the field Holder Email
Click on the Add button
The Is Card Test toggle: this option allows users to create a Test Gift Card to be used in a Test Order within the system. Please also note that:
A Test Gift Card can only be used in a test order.
It is not possible to use a test gift card to pay a real order in production, partially or in total.
Likewise, it It is not possible to use a real gift card to pay a test order, partially or in total
Combining Toggles:
By combining the Is Customerand theIs Batch Card switches, users will be able to send several gift cards at once, ; however, using only the customers already registered at the instance’s database
By combining theIs Customer and theIs Card Test switches, users will only be able to create test gift cards and use only the customers already registered in the instance’s database
By combining theIs Batch Cardand the Is Card Test switches, users will be able to send several test gift cards at once, to external customers.
By combining all 3 options, users will be able to send several test gift cards at once, to customers already registered in the instance’s database.
Once all the above details have been filled in, click on the Create button. The Gift Card will be automatically sent to the email provided.
The new Gift Card(s) will be listed on the Gift Card main page (see the below example)
Tip |
The Gift Card refund will be directly credited back on it, and it can be used again for any future purchases with DFO. |
Fully Refunding with Gift Cards not yet Shipped Orders
By fully refund with a Gift Card and order that hasn’t been shipped yet:
The order status will be set as Shipping Denied
The fulfilment will be automatically cancel
A system note is added in the Notes section of the order page
Gift Cards and Chargebacks