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On this page will be explained the following topics:

Table of Contents

What is DRIP?

Drip is an email marketing solution catering to businesses of all sizes across various industries such as marketing and advertising, consumer goods, and e-learning. Key features include workflow automation, multi-channel multichannel marketing, personalized email campaigns, and customer activity reporting.

DRIP login dashboard URL:

How does it work?


Every 30 minutes, DRIP collects the data from the pages of the CRM campaigns that have been set up with it and updates the data of its statistics.

Customers' data is gathered through an API called Leadgens, which is triggered once a customer add his/her email and details on the Checkout page.

The data, gather on the CRM checkout pages, is stored inside the DRIP database is about three customers behaviors mainly:

  1. Abandoned: refers to two cases:
    a. Potential customers start a check-out process for an online order but drop out of the process before completing the purchase
    b. The customer places the order but then cancels the payment

  2. Declined: refers to purchases in which payment transaction has been declined

  3. Orders: for all successful purchases

How to set DRIP in a CRM Campaign?

To add DRIP inside one of your CRM campaigns, it can be easily done by following the below steps.


Please note that DRIP should be enabled in all campaigns chosen, which means setting it campaign per campaign as per the below instructions.

  1. Login

  1. to your CRM instance

  2. Go to the left side menu and select Campaign Management and then Settings

  3. Once the Settings is selected, the user is redirected to the Campaigns page,

  1. which

  1. is listed all campaigns created

  2. Select one of the campaigns available, by clicking on the campaign name or clicking on the + Create New button, and he/she will be redirected to the new Campaign Settings Page (see the below example):

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  3. Once the user is on the Campaign Settings page, go to the right side of the page and click on Email Service Providers from the menu

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  4. On the Email Service Providers, the user can add the option DRIP

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  5. Which will be then listed within the campaign email service providers

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  6. The toggle, on the column called Is Active, has to be

  1. switched to ON

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  2. Then click on the Edit button on the right side of the Drip row

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  3. A tab will pop up, where the user needs to add:
    (tick) The Authorization Token

    (tick) The Account ID

    (tick) The Application Name

Please note that the above information can be easily found on the user’s DRIP account

Please follow below steps:

How to find the above Authorization Token, Account ID and Application Name inside the DRIP Dashboard?

  1. Log in to your DRIP account

  2. From the Dashboard, go to the top right and select the user icon that will open the account side menu

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  3. Select User Settings

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  4. On the User Settings page, the API Token is available

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  5. To find also the Account ID and the Application Name, go back to the DRIP Dashboard and click on the Settings icon, located on the bottom left of the page

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    6. A side menu will be displayed and from there click on Account

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    7. On the Account page, the user can find both: the Account ID and the Application Name

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10. When the DRIP tab has been filled with the details, click on the green Update button

11. To save these changes on the Campaign, click either on the green Create button if the campaign is new or on the green Save button, if DRIP has been just added to an already existing campaign. Both the Save and the Create buttons are located on the right side of the page (see the below example):

Inside the DRIP Dashboard


Every 30 minutes, DRIP collects the data from the pages of the CRM campaigns which have been set up.

Please note that also the URL Callback should be configured inside DRIP so eManage CRM will receive back a response every time, DRIP collects data from the checkout page of the CRM campaign(s).

The URL Callback

To find where to set the URL Callback, please follow the below steps: .

  1. Log in to your DRIP account

  2. From the Dashboard, go to the top right and select the user icon that will open the account side menu

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  3. Select User Settings, select OAuth Application, and then click on the Edit button

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4. On the User Settings page, select OAuth Application and then on the Edit button:

5. The Basic Settings page will open and there, the user can set the CallBack URL on its field

How to check the data inside DRIP

Please follow the below instructions.

  1. From the DRIP dashboard, go to the left-side menu and click on People

  2. On the People page, all the orders will be listed in it.

  •  Furthermore, if selecting the More Options icon, the scroll-down menu will pop up, and in which the user can select Orders

and check the orders report (see the below example):

  •  Otherwise, if selecting the View Person icon:

the user is redirected to the order page, which will give you an overview of the customer behavior and details (see the below example):

and then clicking on the All Activity, on the left side of the page

it will be shown all customer’s orders:

and by clicking on the plus icon, more details will be provided for each order (see the below example):

Examples of the data


picked up by DRIP from the CRM Campaigns checkout pages

Abandoned Purchases

This category refers to:

a. Cases in which a potential customer starts a check-out process for an online order, but drops out of the process before completing the purchase.

b. Cases in which customers place the order but then cancel the payment

On these events, the only detail collected is the email address


eManage collects abandoned carts using the Leadgens API.

Declined Purchases

This category refers to purchases in which payment transaction has been declined

Successful orders

This category refers to all successful purchases

It is possible to see it the order status as well

Payloads Samples Section



Request - Header

Code Block
User-Agent Kasa Lavenderia


Code Block
		"name":"Laundry Masher Pineapple",
		"address_1":"RUA SOUSA LIMA, 86, AP 1303",
		"address_2":"RUA SOUSA LIMA, 86, AP 1303",
		"city":"São Paulo",

Response - 202

Code Block
  "request_ids": [

Leadgens - Curl


Code Block
curl '' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'sec-ch-ua: "Chromium";v="92", " Not A;Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="92"' \
  -H 'X_CID: 584ea331-0cd2-4c48-85d9-737f9dddfa0b' \
  -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \
  -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.107 Safari/537.36' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: */*' \
  -H 'Origin:' \
  -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site' \
  -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' \
  -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' \
  -H 'Referer:' \
  -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \
  --data-raw '{"analyticsV2":{"referringUrl":"","landingUrl":"","userStringData64":"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"},"email":"","firstName":"","lastName":"","phoneNumber":"","isFromEmailWidget":"false"}' \

Drip API Documentation


Please find attached as follows theDrip API Documentation


titleCan I use test orders for DRIP?

No. Drip integration only


accepts orders due to its licensing model.

titleDoes eManage updates the order status to DRIP?

No. Drip integration is triggered only when


orders in their first status are available.

titleDoes eManage send to DRIP updates about the customers data?

No. Drip integration is triggered only when


orders in their


first status are available.

titleOn the cases in which on the Checkout Page the customer abandoned the cart, is the Cart Session ID recovered when customers reopen the abandoned cart and finalize the purchase?

No. Drip integration does not provide a session-id for recovering the shopping cart.