- In Page Edit mode, you can see the Content Type and its title.
- Copy the title and go to Content > Search.
- Select the content type in dropdown and paste the title in the text field below it to search.
- Right-click on the content and select Copy to duplicate, then update the content of the new one.
- Go back to Edit mode of the page, select Add Content option on the top right corner of the section, then select Reuse Content
- Search for the content you have just created previously to add.
- Remove the old content from the page.
To clone a page from another site
- Go to the reference site, copy the desired page and paste it in the same folder.
- Moved the duplicated page to destination site by selecting the Host or Folder in Page Properties
- The related CSS file is located in application/themes/basic_theme/less/pages, the name of the file should match the page title. If it is not available in the destination site, please duplicate the file and move it too.
- Content of the duplicated page can be replaced with new ones after or before moving.