Priority | Funnel Class | Change | Steps | Goals | Ticket Links | Completion Status | Deployment ETA | Extra Notes |
| Affiliate Descriptive Checkout, Global | Cosmetics | 1. Prepare Global Descriptive Checkout with 1 Unit selected in the middle a. Using template here - 2. Have Ops add link under the existing offer (default global), but also provide link to Tim for split testing | Increase CVR, likely negative effect on AOV. NOT A SPLIT TEST | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3196 |
| DONE | 9/11 | Tim Shuvaloff Link: |
| ST Checkout, Opening to Affiliates - for Global EN campaign | New Pages | - copy this exactly, Affiliate CPA is to be $38 (EDIT)
- Set new offer with Ops, but also provide link to Tim for split testing
| New checkout option for AM team | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3238 |
| Done | 9/13 | Tim Shuvaloff This link is ready for split testing: ST Global EN Checkout:
Offer 1870 : PRIVATE OFFER (ST) - Infiniti Kloud - EN (Global) |
| "Code" funnels | Re-ordering, new pages | - Get Ops to update CPA of all "code" funnel options with a $15 CPA
- Update this link so that the code option is in the middle, and highlighted the most
- Update this link , just move the code above the product
- Update this link, same as Point 3
- Prepare ST version of the checkout with options as in Point 1 (order-v1), using this template. Code should be the first option, highlighted
- New Offer with Ops for "code funnel"
| Emphasize the code so that we can run at a low CPA and CPI focus | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3139 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3148 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3147 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3246 |
| DONE | 9/13 | Order list V3 (Split testing only): |