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Within this page, the following topics will be covered:

Table of Contents


Table of Contents


How to issue Gift Cards

1. Issue Gift Cards from the Order page

On the order page, in the Payment Details section, users can issue a new Gift Card by taking advantage of the button Issue New Gift Card.


  1. Click on the button Issue New Gift Card

  2. Fill in the Issue New Gift Card tab and

  3. Click on Send button

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  4. The Gift Card will be sent via email to the customer and on the order page, it will show all the Gift cards issued, if more than one, underneath the Payment History area

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  5. A system note will be created and available in the Notes section of the order (see the below example)

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  • Please note that ONLY CRM users with the Customer Service Admin or Root roles are allowed to exceed the total value of the order, when adding the Gift Card amount. In this specific case, for these users the system will only show a Warning Message stating that the value of refunds, plus gift cards exceed the total order value, and asking to choose between the option the following two options: Proceed or Cancel.

  • Any other CRM roles, is not allowed to create a Gift card which amount exceed the order grand total. In this case, it displays an error message stating that the value exceeds the value of refunds plus gift cards, and request to contact the manager.

Gift Cards and the Customer Account

Inside each customer account, at the bottom of it, there is the Gift Cards section where are displayed all Gift Cards issued for this customer (see the below example)


  • Selecting the i button a small tab pops up displaying the Gift Card details (see below example):


  • Clicking on the $ button, the tab to recharge the Gift Card will appear (see the below example)

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Nonetheless, at this moment, the recharge option is NOT working.

2. Issue Gift Cards from the Gift Card section

The Gift Card can be created on in the Gift Card section and sent directly to the customer’s email as explained in the below steps.When entering

  1. Go to the Gift Card section


  1. Click on the + Create New button



For more info on how to create a Gift Card in CRM, please check our article:  Gift Cards - Create New

2. Purchasing the Gift Card on a website, which means that specific campaigns can be created to sell Gift Cards as any other DFO product.


  1. Choose which toggle to turn on, please note that users can pick just one, or a combination of two or all three of them.

    1. The Is Customer toggle: Switching this one to Yes allows users to use the field Holder Email only to look for email addresses registered in the instance’s database

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    2. The Is Batch Card toggle: Switching to ON this button allows users to send a batch of gift cards to several customers' email addresses.

      1. Just type the email address in the field Holder Email

      2. Click on the Add button

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    3. The Is Card Test toggle: this option allows users to create a Test Gift Card to be used in a Test Order within the system. Please also note that:

      1. A Test Gift Card can only be used in a test order.

      2. It is not possible to use a test gift card to pay a real order in production, partially or in total.

      3. It is not possible to use a real gift card to pay a test order, partially or in total

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    4. Combining Toggles:

      1. By combining the Is Customerand theIs Batch Card switches, users will be able to send several gift cards at once; however, using only the customers already registered at the instance’s database

      2. By combining theIs Customer and theIs Card Test switches, users will only be able to create test gift cards and use only the customers already registered in the instance’s database

      3. By combining theIs Batch Cardand the Is Card Test switches, users will be able to send several test gift cards at once, to external customers.

      4. By combining all 3 options, users will be able to send several test gift cards at once, to customers already registered in the instance’s database.

  2. Once all the above details have been filled in, click on the Create button. The Gift Card will be automatically sent to the email provided.

  3. The new Gift Card(s) will be listed on the Gift Card main page (see the below example)

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3. Issue Gift Cards from campaigns

In this specific case, setting the Gift Card in a campaign willenable Gift Cards to be sent to the customers at the end of their purchases, as a bonus for their next shopping with DFO.

To add the above option into to CRM campaigns, there is a new area please follow the below steps.

  1. Log in to CRM and go to the left-side menu

  2. Click on Campaign Management>Settings

  3. Then select the + Create a new button, or you can either choose one of the existing campaigns listed below and click on the Edit button to modify it

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  4. Once you are inside the Campaign Settings page,


  1. scroll down the page till you reach the Gift Card


  1. section,


titleIssue After Sales:


  1. where you can add the Gift Card to the specific Campaign;

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  2. Switch to ON the Issue After Sales toggle: which will enable the Gift card to be sent to the customer at the end of the


titleRelative Percentage:
  1. purchase. Then the user can choose one of the below choices.

    • The Relative Percentage field: the Gift Card amount will be a specific XX% of the order total


    • .


    • For example


    • , the order is $180,00 and the percentage is set for the 10% over the


    • order’s grand total. The customer will receive a Gift Card of $18.


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    • The Absolute Amount toggle:


    • if this option is also set to


    • ON


    • , then the Gift Card amount will be a predefined and unchangeable amount in $that can be set on the below field


    • Absolute Amount.


Please note that for this option Gift Cards sent to customers will NOT change the amount according to the order grand total, but it will be the same Gift Card amount for all customers.

  • Status
    titleRelative Percentage:
    the amount of the Gift Card will be a specific amount in $:


Please follow the below instructions to find the Gift Card section, inside the Campaign Settings page: 


From CRM Homepage, go to the left side menu and click on Campaign Management;


Then go to the right and select the + Create a new  button, or you can either choose one of the existing campaign listed below;



Once you are inside the Campaign Settings scroll down the page till you reach the Gift Card section where you can add the Gift Card to the specific Campaign;


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  1. Once all changes have been made, click on the Create or Save button.

How to make a purchase using the Gift Card


  1. Go to a DFO checkout pages


  1. Enter the 15 alphanumeric Gift Card codes in the Gift Card field


  1. Once the code is added into the field, this will automatically trigger a process where the FE checks if the amount of the Gift Card is enough to pay the entire order, or if it does cover just part of its cost.


  1. Consequently,


  1. there are two possible scenarios: 


    1. The amount of the Gift Card is enough to cover the


    1. order’s grand total


    1. : in this case, the system will process the payment as a normal offline payment and send the customer a confirmation email once the purchase is confirmed.


    1. Please note that:

      1. Customers will have to fill in the Shipping Address details


      1. When paying with a Gift Card, the system is not registering the CardId as normally does with any offline payments. Therefore, to enable customers to buy any upgrade or upsell, once the customer has selected one or the other, he/she will be requested to fill in the details with another payment method, otherwise, the purchase won’t be allowed.


    1. The amount of the Gift Card is NOT enough to cover the


    1. order’s grand total


    1. : in this case, the system will process the Gift Card as a coupon, which will partially pay the order, and for the rest of the amount, the customer should add another payment method (Credit Card, PayPal, etc.).
      Please see below an example of an order partially paid with a Gift Card: 

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      As previously mentioned, the Gift Card is recognized and processed, by the system, as any other payment method. Therefore, this implies that


    1. any order, fully or partially paid with it,


    1. will display the below:

      1. By going to the Order Page>Payment History

      2. Click on the View Details button


      1. The Transaction Details tab will pop up and there is available all payment information


      1. (see the example below


      1. )

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Gift Cards and orders Shipping & Handling fees


Please note that in all cases, Gift Cards don’t cover the cost of shipping and handling fees (S&H).


For example: if there is an order of a total amount of $70 and there is an additional $9 of S&H, the system will automatically check if the Gift Card is able to pay the full amount of $70 and the $9 has to be paid with a normal payment method.

Cancel a Gift Card

A Gift Card can be easily cancelled, and the


Inside each customer account, at the bottom of it, there is a new section, called: Gift Card where are displayed all customer’s Gift Cards (see below example).


On the table where are listed all customer’s Gift Cards, on the right side there are two buttons, the “i” button and the “$” button, which are better explained in its own section CRM Gift Cards - Dashboard.refunded, as long as this one hasn’t been used already.

To cancel a Gift Card, follow the below instructions:

  1. Access the order page

  2. Scroll down to the Payment Details

  3. Click on the Delete button

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How do Gift Cards work with refunds?

As DFO Gift Cards are considered a normal payment method; therefore, to refund an order partially or fully paid with a Gift Card, it can be easily done on :

  1. Go to the order page


  1. Scroll down to the Payment History section


  1. Click on the Refund button as any other order. 


Please note that to fully refund an order, which has been partially paid with a Gift Card and partially with another payment method, two refunds have to be triggered.

In such casecases, on in the Payment History section are listed two transactions, one is the amount paid with the Gift Card and the other one is the one paid with any other payment methods. For each transaction, the refund button has to be selected in order to completely refund the customer, as per the example below: 



The Gift Card refund will be directly credited back on it, and it can be used again for any future purchases with DFO.

Fully Refunding with Gift Cards not yet Shipped Orders

By fully refunding with a Gift Card orders that haven’t been shipped yet:

  • The order status will be set as Shipping Denied

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  • The fulfilment will be automatically cancelled

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  • A system note is added in the Notes section of the order page

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Gift Cards and Chargebacks


Customers cannot claim any chargeback on orders paid with Gift Cards.

DFO Gift Card Balance

  • The DFO Gift Card Balance is the new page designed to check your DFO Global Gift Card status, whether it has got funds, and how much plus the


  • transaction history.

  • The DFO Gift Card Balance is a public page, and anyone with the alphanumeric code and the link below can check its balance.

  • DFO Gift Card Public Domain:

  • Once the Gift Card code has been pasted on the

    field, the below information will be available:


Transaction id


The unique tracking code to identify a transaction

Order Reference


The CRM order number linked to the TransactionID



Type of operation that has been performed with the Gift Card



The date of the event



For each event is shown the amount debited or credited on the Gift Card.
