There is a business rule for which, if the customer’s credit card is declined because there are no sufficient funds, the system tries to force the payments 3 times, at the third time it will automatically apply a 50% discount on the payment.
For normal orders, these attempts are done the same day the customer place places the order, for 15 days day free trial these attempts are applied within 5 days between each other, once the system triggered the charge at the end of the trial.
In other words, if the customer’s pre-paid card is declined because of insufficient funds, then at on the third attempt the customer is not going to receive the 50% discount as before.
Please note that:
For regular orders and extended free trials, if customers paid with Credit Card, the 50% discount is still applied at the third attempt.
For pre-order, the 50% rule, at the third attempt, is not applied to any card (prepaid or regular credit card).