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On this page are explained all the below topics:

Table of Contentstoc


What the Bundled Email Templates section is about?

On this page, users can create Templates for the Bundle EmailEmails, which are then available to be picked on the Campaign Settings page> Email Settings >Bundled Emails.

What are Bundle Emails?



Bundle Emails are the feature for which when customers are purchasing a product, they will receive only one email confirmation related to all orders placed, or else said one confirmation email for the main order and any upsells purchased along the funnel.

Please note that the Bundle Confirmation Email is generally sent after 15 or 30 meaning


the purchase is completed, and the customer has already made it to the end of the


funnel, reaching the “Thank you Page”.

Where is the Bundled Email Templates section located?

To find this section, follow the below steps.

  1. Log into CRM and go to the left-side menu

  2. Scroll down and click on the Campaign Management

  3. Then click on Bundled Email Templates


What on the Bundled Email Templates page?

On the Bundled Email Templates page, all the below options are available for users.

Select Bundled Configuration


  1. .

How to create a new Bundle Email Template

  1. Click on the Create New button

  2. A small tab pops up and the template name, language, and SMTP need to be filled

  3. Click the Save button and the system will create the bundle using the default templates, which content can be easily edited

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  4. All bundle email templates are listed on the Bundle Email Template main page, as per the below example

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How to edit the Bundle Configuration

  1. From the drop-down menu, choose the bundle email template that is going to be edited




  1. Then click on the Edit button

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  2. A


  1. tab will pop up


  1. and users should set up: the template name, SMTP, or language (see the below example)


  1. Image Modified


Once done, click on the Save button.

How to edit the


content of each Email Template

  1. Click on the Edit button on the right side of each template row


  1. Image Modified


  1. To be redirected to the template page


Create New

  1. By clicking on the Create New button, users can create a new Bundle email template.

  2. A small tab pops up and the name, language, and SMTP of the template need to be filled

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  3. After clicking on the Save button, the user is redirected to the Email Template page, where the body of the template can be designed.


By clicking on the refresh button, the page will be refreshed and all the latest changes on the templates will be displayed


List of existing Templates

On the page are also listed all existing Bundled Email Templates available, highlighting the Template details below:

  • Template Name

  • Language

  • Active

  • Update Date

  • Action button


  1. where all changes can be made

  2. Once done, click on the Save button

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How to delete a Bundle Email Template

  1. Click on the Edit button

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  2. On the tab, click on Delete and the full bundle of email templates will be removed

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