Priority | Change | StepsDescriptions | Goals | Ticket Links | Completion Status | Deployment ETA | Links | Extra Notes |
| Payment Processing | Paypal Installments Test | Increase CVR by offering installment payments |
| IN DEV |
| Buy 1 More Test | Under the 1 unit, put "Buy 1 | Cloning to main domain | Add missing assets and offers (with Ops) to items here | PENDING | PENDING | ST - Upsell flow Split TestMore, 1/2 Shipping", then when they select 2, same effect with arrows put "Buy 1 More Free Shipping" |
| Upsell | New Style Playbeatz Upsell | Increase TR | Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-222 |
| IN DEV |
| |
| USB Wifi Stick Upsell |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-192 |
Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-203 |
| Page development done |
| | Moving to gadgetreview, no available properties and must wait for live tests to finish |
| Real Comments on Checkout |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SPLIT-9 |
| DONE |
| Pending open space |
| FOMO Revamp |
| Instead of the sliding card (or split test vs sliding card) change the content of the FOMO to notoriously reflect some cases where customers bought more than one. Easier and faster to implement than the sliding card, but the lower possible impact in performance. Link:
Pending Open Space |
| Add Trust Logos to Order page under CTA and re-arrange form system |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SPLIT-24 |
| Build visual hierarchy with color / and text size (example |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SPLIT-19 |
| Optimize mobile for older demographics ( text size, spacing, etc...) |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SPLIT-15 |
| Add a sliding card, just below the total, better if it has a discreet but catchy effect (glow or shine or shadow or heartbeat, etc) that says something like: Your current selection is "$xx", if you add "x" more boosters/antennas/ W/E, you will be saving "$xx". Then a button "Yes, add "x" more boosters to my order" |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SPLIT-18 |
| Price Variation | - Create a 49.99 Pricing variation with $10 exit pop with this funnel
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | DFSB-3506 |
| Add Progress Bar for completion of purchase |
| Add Number of Clicks to Checkout |
| Generic Warranty Upsell |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-178 |
| Page Development Complete | Page development done |
| order-upflspecial-offer-general-warranty.html | Please note this is also on Kompress Kinetics, Clipperpro and MindInsole |
| New Price + Unit Selection Order Change |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-219 |
| Page development done |
| |
| Index Variation UK |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | SEO-187 |
| Page development done |
| |
| Mobile Only Var for Buy 1 more OP | Mobile only updates for the Buy 1 More Order page |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-240 |
| ST - OP Variation |
| PlayBeatz Checkout Styled Upsell |
| Jira Legacy |
server | System JIRA |
serverId | b5f78b4b-8603-3879-a97e-a16b5dacbf76 |
key | STP-222 |
| |