Below is the list of topics explained on this page:
What is the Address Verify page for?
The Address Verify page has listed all orders that need the Shipping Address verified manually by users.
There are cases in which orders have been already screened by Melissa, but this software was not able to correct the address due to lack of information, or the details don’t match any existing address, so Melissa is unable to find a match in its database. In such cases, the orders' shipping addresses have to be revised and update manually.
What is on the Address Verify page?
On the Address Verify page, the user has on the top of it a few fields, to search orders.
Additionally, underneath the search, there is a table in which are listed all orders that are having issues with the Shipping Address (see below example):
On the table, on each column appear a piece of specific order information:
Address 1: This is the first line of the shipping address, which is the street/road name and the building number
Address 2: any additional information of the shipping address, for example, the house/apartment number
Zip Code
Verification Result: this is strictly related to Melissa and how it works. In this column, users can check the level of the verification and by hovering the mouse on the “i” icon on the right side of each order, a tooltip appears informing the level of verification that Melissa was able to reach when the order was placed:
It’s important to highlight that addresses are verified on various levels. A shipping address is considered 100% verified and correct when the house/flat or building number is available, otherwise it will be verified up to certain other levels, such as Locality Partial, Premise Partial, Thoroughfare Partial, etc.
To understand each one of the levels, please click on the Show Legend button, located at the bottom of the page, which will display all Verification Results with related explanations:
Actions: all Actions buttons are displayed to make adjustments on each order shipping address
Created Date: it’s the date when the order was placed
Last Updated: last update made on the shipping address
The Actions buttons
Using these buttons, the users are able to take action on the orders.
The Copy Address button
With this button, users can easily copy the entire shipping address that is currently available for the order
The Save Changes button
By clicking on this button
the user saved all the changes made on the order’s details on the columns: Address1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code Country
After the address has been verified, the order will be listed on the All Verified and the user My Verify sections
The Send Email button
By using this button
The User Account button
Using this button
users can open the Customer profile account and find the list of all the customer’s orders.
The Address Change History button
By clicking on this button
a tab pops up displaying the shipping address prior to the editing and the updated one (see below example)
The Bookmark button
By clicking on this button
the order will be taken by the user and saved on the user’s Bookmarked sub-section of the Address Verification
On the other hand, by accessing the Bookmarked section, and clicking on Unbookmark an order
the order will disappear from the user bookmarked section and reappear on the Address Verify area.
The Show Legend button
By clicking on the Show Legend button, located at the bottom of the page, will be displayed the explanation of each one of the Verification Results:
How the Address Verification Process works
1.Melissa check and correct the orders. The first step is done by Melissa (Address Validator), which filters all orders which shipping address has been flagged because some information was missing or wrong and amend them.
However, there are cases in which orders have been already screened by Melissa, but this software was not able to correct the address due to lack of information, or the details don’t match any existing address, so Melissa is unable to find a match in its database. In such cases, the orders' shipping addresses have to be revised and update manually.
2. When addresses have to be updated manually, they are displayed on the Address Verify section, under the Address Verification.
Go to the left side menu and select Address Verification
Address Verify
On the right side of the page the list of all orders, which address has to be verified, is displayed
3. Users need to check and update order by order.
According to the procedure, the Customer Service contact via email/phone the customer requesting to confirm the correct address. Once the right address is provided by the customer, the Customer Service team updates the information in CRM and the order is sent for fulfillment.
From the Address Verify page, the user has two options to update the shipping address:
A. Start editing the shipping address directly on the Address Verify page, by double-checking on the order details on the columns: Address1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code Country. Once the changes have been made, go to the Actions button column and click on the Save Changes button to finalize the task
B. Click on the User Account button, to open the Customer profile account and edit the order, from the order page itself. From the Customer profile account, users should open all orders in Paid status
Orders which Shipping Address is incomplete or incorrect are not sent to be fulfilled. In other words, they will remain in Paid status until an user will update its data.
and on the order page check if the order is marked with the Pending Address Verification flag
Please note that CRM has a specific feature that notifies the client and Customer Service about all orders in which customers’ shipping addresses are either incomplete or incorrect.
When an order has an incorrect/incomplete address, at the top of the order page there is a label displaying the following message:
Once you are on the order page, please scroll down to the shipping address section
Click on the Enable Editing button
Edit the Address
Click on the Save button
4. Once the verification has been made, the order is sent to be fulfilled. Moreover, it will be also automatically moved to another list, called the All Verified section, under the Address Verification.
On the All Verified section are displayed all orders which shipping address was previously modified.