This is a new method to re-target and increase purchases through email marketing. Basically below steps are taken.
- CRM collects leads from user purchases with valid token stored and sends to Maropost.
- Email is prepared and sent by Maropost to prospect customers.
- Customers click the link on the email.
- Transition page to place the order with user’s cardid (purchase token).
- Confirmation Page is displayed to confirm the purchased.
How to implement
Below is the URL placed in the email sent to customers.
- GUID: 5818A4B7-68D3-4C2B-BC1B-FE776F5E4C3E - Customer token to get the payment information stored in CRM
- WID: 74dc415b-f8bf-43a5-87d3-f0824cbd2b62 - Campaign webkey
- PID: 917896
On the Transition page, we get those GUID, WID, PID and POST to API along with the X_CID in header.
Once CRM responds back, call relatedOrders API to display order information on Confirm page.
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