Within this page, the following topics will be covered:
Creating a Brand New Gift Card
On the Gift Cards Dashboard is possible to find a Create New button below the search boxes. That will allow the user to create and edit a brand new gift card from scratch.
Once the user clicks on it, a new page will load, and below you can see how it looks like. There it is possible to verify that there are three YES/NO switches to choose from or to combine over.
The Is Customer Switch
Switching this one to Yes does not change or add any field in the page's interface. This switch allows users to use the field Holder Email only to look for email addresses registered inside the instance, which means that a brand new gift card will be issued only for customers already registered in the instance’s database. Having that switch turned on forbids external-not-yet-customers from the instance to receive the gift card.
The Is Batch Card Switch
Switching this one to “Yes“, differently than the previous one, does change the page’s interface and a new field and button get added on. This switch allows users to send a batch of gift cards to several email addresses, or to several people, be them customers from the instance’s database or external ones. By simply typing the email address in the field Holder Email and clicking on the button Add, the user will be able to send the gift card to a batch, a group of people all at once.
The Is Card Test Switch
Switching this one to YES does not change or add any field in the page's interface. This switch allows users to create a Test Gift Card to be used in a Test Order within the system. It is for test purposes only. An Is Card Test gift card can only be used in a test order. It is not possible to use a test gift card to pay a real order in production, partially or in total. Likewise, it is not possible to use a real gift card to pay a test order, partially or in total.
Combining Switches
In the Create New page, it is also possible to combine the switches over in order to get different results when they are chosen separately, like we could verify above, on this tutorial page.
By combining the Is Customer and the Is Batch Card switches, users will be able to send several gift cards at once, however, using only the customers already registered at the instance’s database.
By combining the Is Customer and the Is Card Test switches, users will only be able to create test gift cards and using only the customers already registered at the instance’s database.
By combining the Is Batch Card and the Is Card Test switches, users will be able to send several test gift cards at once, be it for customers already registered at the instance’s database or for external ones.
The Create Button
Once all the user’s preferences have been chosen, the last thing that must be done before leaving the page is to click on the CREATE green button to save all that has been edited and have the brand new Gift Cards created and added to the list of existing gift cards.