Verve Affiliates - Revshare Affid Table

Affiliate Name

Affiliate ID

Affiliate ID - Revshare

Offers Enabled

Affiliate Name

Affiliate ID

Affiliate ID - Revshare

Offers Enabled

Kenny Test



Infiniti Kloud













Required Info to Ops

Affiliate Name + Affiliate ID
Offer Name + Offer ID that needs revshare enabled
Tracking/Presale URL that Affiliate is sending traffic to


  • Each Affiliate must have a Tag and Trigger configured in every GTM Container that their Affid Originals have active campaigns

Example Tag - External Affiliate

<!-- Affid Original - External Affiliate ID - ORANGE --> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://{{domain2}}/scripts/sdk/everflow.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> EF.conversion({ offer_id: {{S4}}, adv1: {{CRM Order Id}}, coupon_code: '{{External_Affid_Remarketing}}RS{{S4}}', parameters: { "payout_amount": {{Revshare CPA - Offer X}}, "revenue_margin": 0, } }); </script>

Example Trigger/Logic - External Affiliate

Page URL contains ERS=Y // Required in order to prevent pixelmator script from firing Page URL contains Widget=Y // Required in order to ensure lead came from widget S2 matches RegEx (ignore case) {{External Affids} // Active Affids belonging to External Affiliate Page URL matches RegEx (ignore case) Affid=1474|Affid=1728 // Indicator that DL is from Maropost ID