Sync App
This solution allows to synchronize Shopify Stores with eManageCRM, so we can operate funnels using eManageCRM as we regular do.
Ideally, eManageCRM will notify Shopify Stores when someone change a shared artefact (like Products, Prices, Orders, and Campaigns), and vice-versa.
Ideal Flow
Shopify Stores install eManageCRM Sync App
eManageCRM Sync App requests Shopify Sync App Signup
Shopify Sync App requests System and User Credentials to eManageCRM IAM and CTRwow OAuth
Shopify Sync App stores Credentials and Authenticated Tokens for eManageCRM and CTRwow
Shopify Sync App asks Store if they want to create a new Funnel
Shoppers fills in Basic Campaign Information
Shopify Sync App asks Shopper to choose Store Main Product
Shopify Sync App asks Shopper to create a new Upsell for this Funnel
Shopify Sync App asks Shopper to choose Store Upsells Products
Shopify Sync App asks Shopper to choose CTRwow Templates
Shopify Sync App asks Shopper to choose CTRwow Host Options
Shoppers publish their first funnel.
Extra capabilities
Shoppers can sign in into eManageCRM to provide extra settings by an authenticated link available at the Shopify Sync App
Shoppers must set their payment processors at eManageCRM
Sync Flow
Users change a product settings at Shopify Side - it emits an event to eManageCRM Service Bus, that will update product settings at eManageCRM Side.
Users change a product settings at eManageCRM Side - it will call the Shopify Product API to change the information there.
Funnel Settings
Fulfilled by eManageCRM (ON/OFF)
Keep Products Synchronized (ON/OFF)
Keep Orders Synchronized (ON/OFF)
Completed Tasks
[2021-03-09] Create a shared eManageCRM instance for shoppers that don’t have an eManageCRM subscription
[2021-03-09] Create the Shopify App project, and also the installation event handler, so we can automatically sign up shoppers to eManageCRM and CTRwow.
[2021-03-09] Create the Sync API project and the authentication/authorization model
Next Steps
Change eManageCRM to sign up shoppers automatically
Change CTRwow OAuth to sign up shoppers automatically
Billing Model