Please note - Use this below generic golden standard for ALL new offer builds, brand specific golden standards will be on separate pages.
2020 Golden Standard Updates
No $10 off immediate exitpops
Order of the product units will be: 3-1-2-4-5
Pricing grid will denote the exitpop product (if there is any)
Please note ALL testimonials should be real ones (check Brand Databank for testimonial assets)
$10 off future value exit pop coupon naming convention: [Brand]10NEXT
Any funnel that has the additional unit pop will NOT have the delayed mini page
As of Oct 5th 2020, any pages that has the Paypal payment button will have it moved below the CC Checkout button
As of Dec 22nd 2020, EN pages will have Googlepay/Apple Pay option
As of Jun 2021, checkout pages will have shipping and tax removed from the subtotals section, and be replaced with “Shipping and tax will be settled upon checkout confirmation” line. Shipping/tax charge will be displayed on confirmation page
Master Invision File -
Master NAS File Path - DFO CM Van / Video & Photo / Product Marketing / 1 – GoldenStandard
Under the new golden standard template, note the below:
The only difference between High CVR and High AOV pages currently is the order of units. (where HCVR has 1-3-2-4-5 unit order, with 1st unit in the list preselected, and golden border around 3 units)
?temp=haov - add this, page switches to haov unit orders (3-1-2-4-5)
?temp=hcvr - add this, page switches to hcvr unit orders (1-3-2-4-5)
For any pages under new template, there will be a parameter to switch between high CVR and high AOV pages: add param “temp=hcvr” to switch page to high cvr, add param “temp=haov” to switch page to high aov
For Product list which have 4 items:
hcvr: product list order: 1*-3-2-4
haov: product list order: 3*-1-2-4
For Product list which have 3 items (Koretrak for example):
hcvr3: product list order: 1 - 2* - 3
haov3: product list order: 2* -1 - 3
Without param: product list order follow the order setup in dotcms (ex: 2-3-1-4)
"*" means that item is preselected - always the first one.
Note: Yellow highlight border at product item always stays on 3x package (or the one configured as recommended product)
For the full list of working URL parameters, please refer to wiki page here - URL Parameters
Presale Aspect - |
Right hand side floating image with pulsating CTA
Showing “Advertorial“ on top of the page (font and size is dependent on traffic platform, for any specific font/size requirements, please duplicate out to separate page)
Social Icons are also dependent on the traffic platform, for any specific requirements, please duplicate out to separate page
Pulsating floating CTA appearing when user scrolls - pre-existing feature, catching attention
High Performance Checkout page |
Pages with paypal -
Pages without paypal (majority of our top traffic pages) -
Please note, as of Aug 19, 2020, all future new offers will NOT have the slow shipping banner, please remove off of the live offers as well.
Secure checkout banner addition at the top
Unit selection with product images - reduce distraction on checkout
Eye grabbing unit selection box golden highlights with yellow accent background
Display of regular cost and discounted cost
Addition of the "You Saved" badge at the subtotal section - lets consumer think they are actually saving, emphasizes pricing and discount (Please note that TVBuddy’s savings badge looks different from the rest, since that is a brand specific standard)
*special case - Paypal Payment Button Removed only on high traffic pages - current list here
As of Oct 5th, any pages that has the Paypal payment button will have it moved below the CC Checkout button
Expanded comments section at the bottom with real testimonials from Brand Databank
Please note to have Affiliate Link at the footer of all pages
Green loading transition screen - offers consumer something to look at while waiting for the upsell to load
Additional Unit Pop - increases AOV.
$10 off future value exit pop - increases CVR
Jan 19, 2021 - Adding the word “SECURE“ to CC checkout CTA where applicable, so it reads “Complete Secure Checkout“
Jan 25, 2021 - Adding Gpay/Apay Logos to the security banners where applicable, to increase CVR especially for mobile
Mar 9, 2021- Adding a “Taxes“ line at the bottom of the subtotals line on the checkout page for both desktop and mobile.
Jun 14, 2021 - Removing the shipping/tax mentioning from the checkout page for both desktop and mobile.
Non Paypal
$10 Off Future Exit pop (to increase CVR and introduce leads/purchases to ecomm sites) - reference on
Additional Unit Pop (to increase AOV, and also increase profit for no recorded increase in refunds or chargebacks):
Warranty Upsell - |
New comparison styled copy
New element addition to the page - adding a black banner at the top of the page, with copy “Do not hit the “Back“ Button - It may cause multiple charges to your card“, to prevent losing customers trying to click out of the page
New color scheme - changing the banner color to green
New protect plus section added at the top of the page
Addition of timer
Addition of 2nd and 3rd CTA
Addition of comment section
Removal of price mentioning from all upsell CTA buttons
New element addition to the page - adding a black banner at the top of the page, with copy “Do not hit the “Back“ Button - It may cause multiple charges to your card“, to prevent losing customers trying to click out of the page. If the page has a timer, please get rid of the timer banner and put this on instead.
New copy addition to the page - “IMPORTANT This is the best price that you will see for ____! Our customers always come back for more and have to pay full price”
Archived - Previous Versions |
Delayed Mini - (This is to be removed on any funnel that has the diggy pop) |
Quantity selector
To only be added to funnels where there is no double popup pump at checkout CTAs
Elaborate points on the additional units
Full Price Preorder -
To be created together with normal Order Page for new offers
The only difference between full price preorder and normal order page, is the COVID banner and text mentioning of “Select Pre-Order Quantity - Guaranteed Delivery - Factory Direct”
COVID Slow Shipping banner on top of every page (requirement by Facebook). ← outdated
Premium warranty popup after the warranty page: once customer accepts the warranty, it will trigger the page to populate the premium continuity warranty pop
Currently not on live pages, design here for reference -