TikTok Guide for Affiliates

There are three ways you can install TikTok pixels:

  • Browser Method – Standard Mode

  • Browser Method – Developer Mode

  • Postback Method – Events API

For highest tracking accuracy we recommend the Events API Method, but will cover all available methods.

Method 1 – Events API Method

Method 1 – Events API Method

For the Events API Method, you first need to create an access token in your Ad Account. 

This requires an existing pixel to be already made, so if you have not done so, please reference either of Methods 2 or 3 to know how to set up a new pixel. If you have one already, follow this guide.

Step 1 – Get your Access Token

Go to Assets=>Events to hit Events Manager. Click Manage under Website Pixel:

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

If you have an existing pixel, it will take you to this window:

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Click the hyperlink pixel name to move to the next menu

Click settings in the new menu, you should hit a menu that says Events API. Select “use another account’s TikTok Developer app”. Enter App ID – 6829503352221466630

Click Generate access token, and you will see menu similar to this – copy the value given

Step 2 – Go to your Everflow Login, and add the Integration


Navigate to Company, Integrations, and click Add under TikTok Integrations. 

Note: at this time, Everflow does not have an official guide, so the tutorial will not exist until Everflow has made it. 

Copy and paste the access token you have generated under the access token. The name does not matter, just make sure it is something that is easy for you to remember if you use multiple pixels or ad accounts.


Step 3 – Go to Postbacks, Add Postback and set up your conversion event

Hit add postback, and you will move to below menu:


Note: You can do it for all offers or just some offers, choose what is appropriate for your use case. Make sure if you are using conversion, to use Complete Payment as your TikTok Event. For other events, please read the next Step for instructions.

Step 4 (Optional) – Add Events (only available at Postback Level = Specific)

If you want to track other events with the API, instead go to the events menu, and repeat same steps as #3, except selecting a different TikTok Event as appropriate:

Note: You have to select a SPECIFIC offer to use events, you cannot do a global event at this time. This is a feature we are aiming to release on Verve Offers in November 2021. The standard event notation for Everflow/TikTok would be

Presale and Interstitial => View Content
Checkout => Initiate Checkout
AddToCart => AddToCart

Step 5 – Set up your ads to pass ttclid

TikTok is like Facebook and Google, it hinges on click ID. By default, TikTok ads will send a tik tok click id in the URL. Make sure if you are using your own lander, that your lander is configured to pass parameters to the offer pages. Please DO NOT rename the parameters.

To set up Click Id, just follow below under AdGroup=>AdDetails=>URL
So simply at the end of any URL your are using, just append &ttclid=__CLICKID__. If you are hosting a URL, make sure that parameter is passed to any offer pages you are running.  Append this whether you are using a direct link or a redirect link, to the link your AM gives you. 

Step 6 – Test

You don’t really need a ttclid to test, any events will show up in events manager, even if they don’t in ads manager, which is what the ttclid is really for. Events manager will record all activity whether it is truly a real sale or not, ads manager will record the real salaes.

Ask your AM to test, and 30 minutes after the test itself, you should see something similar to below:


If you have a previous placed browser pixel, please make sure it is removed. There is no deduping available right now between browser and server methods. 

Method 2 – Browser Pixels, Standard Mode

Method 2 – Browser Pixels, Standard Mode

Go to Assets=>Events to hit Events Manager

Choose Website Pixel, and click Manage

Name your Pixel, and select Manually install pixel code:

Select Standard Mode:

Your newly generated Pixel code in the next menu will look something like below:

Currently Everflow does not effectively support HTML placement for TikTok in Everflow – send the pixel to your AM to get placed directly on page. We highly recommend you do NOT place in Everflow for Tiktok yourself in Method 2.

Once you have confirmation (or even before that) – you are not quite done yet.

On Tiktok, you need to hit Complete & Set Rules in the create pixel window in TikTok. If you do not do this – TikTok will assume purchase is everywhere you placed the code on, which is if it is every page, every page click. So please make sure to do below if you are following this method.

Hit Complete and Set Rules. You can choose Ecommerce Events or Custom Events; it really depends what events you want to track as a marketer. But we recommend the purchase event as below at minimum:

Once you hit next, it will bring you to a new pop over menu. Select Destination URL, and use add page browsing rule. Ask your AM for the conversion url you should use. 

NOTE – If the Conversion URL ever changes, your tracking will break. For this reason, we DO NOT recommend this method. Also, the setting rules can be a touch tedious if you want to set more than just view_content and complete_purchase. 

Method 3 – Developer Mode

Method 3 – Developer Mode

This is our recommended browser implementation, as the Conversion URL change will not impact you in this case, and you can basically just send one script, but otherwise much of it is the same.

Go to Assets=>Events to hit Events Manager

Choose Website Pixel, and click Manage

Name your Pixel, and select Manually install pixel code:

Then in the next menu, hit developer mode:

After hitting next, you will hit a window like below:

Copy and paste the code and send it to your AM/Ops. You will notice in the same screenshot, there is a box that shows “Event Code and Parameters” these are the standard event snippets TikTok provides, and we generally support the below:



Event Code

Add Payment Info 

When payment information is added in the checkout flow. 


Add to Cart 

When an item is added to the shopping cart. 


Complete Payment 

When a payment is completed. 


Initiate Checkout 

When the checkout process is started. 


View Content 

When a page is viewed. 



So, adding this to the base code you should have copied is very simple. For example, for a Complete_Payment (which is a purchase event), I could modify my script as below highlighted in yellow:

Rinse and repeat for any events you want. 

Currently Everflow does not effectively support HTML placement for TikTok– send the pixel to your AM to get placed directly on the page. We highly recommend you do NOT place in Everflow for Tiktok yourself in Method 2. We will verify with the TikTok pixel helper and send a screenshot as confirmation wherever possible.

Availability of events depends on the offer – if the event is unavailable, it is not something we may be able to offer, but you can check with your AM. Otherwise, you can send your AM the code and snippets/events you need placed and where, and our Ad Ops team can do it as well. Similar to Method 2, the pixel must be placed directly on the page, not in Everflow, so you must send it to your AM. The standard event list is as below:

Presale – presale views

Interstitial – interstitial views

Checkout – checkout page load

AddToCart – checkout page form interaction