VerveDirect Leadgen

VerveDirect Leadgen

We need a lead generation form, which is integrated with the legal portal, everflow, and salesforce.

When a form is submitted, several things happen:

1. The affiliate automatically receives a unique link from the legal portal to fill in their KYC form, which is submitted into the secure portal, and alerts the legal team. There is a framework setup where the legal team can communicate with the affiliate to request additional info, or communicate with the appropriate AM to update them on the situation. This is located here: The automation portal is located here: https://automationify.com/index.php?redirect_to=projects/aff-signup/index.php
2. Depending on the name they entered in Referring Affiliate Manager field on their form application, either a specific affiliate manager receives the new application alert via email, or david g receives the alert and will reassign to the appropriate AM.
3. Within the email alert is an Approve Link or a Decline Link - if the AM clicks the approve link, the affiliate is approved within Everflow and converted to an account within salesforce, and the KYC team is alerted that this affiliate is approved but still needs to complete KYC.
4. The affiliate is created within Everflow as a pending affiliate, until the Approve link in the email alert is clicked or they are manually approved in everflow.
5. The affiliate application submission creates a lead within salesforce containing all the affiliate info. When the approve link is clicked in the email alert, this lead is automatically converted to an account with a contact and a field will populate with the affiliate id from everflow. Under this account then the affiliate manager will track their exchanges and offer pitches to the affiliates and at what stage they are at in getting traffic started or scaling.

So currently this is all setup by Milad, but we are getting this captcha error when we try to submit the form. There were no issues with the setup before we updated the vervedirect.com site. It sounds like the issue is the change from vervedirect.com to www.vervedirect.com? Is it possible to keep the 2 main signup links on vervedirect.com without the change to www.vervedirect.com? I am ok with redoing the backend but I think it will take some time and we need something functional now as we are missing all of these integrated functions and automations that are very necessary for onboarding new affiliates.


Current situation: we relaunched vervedirect.com website and pre-existing integrations and forms ceased to function. 
Right now we have one functional signup link: https://vervedirect.everflowclient.io/affiliate/signup/?q=9F2Z9SK
It seems that all everflow integration with vervedirect.com is showing an error (Only the link that has everflow.io as the root domain is functional).
The link that is in everflow under the AM accounts does not work: https://www.vervedirect.com/aff-signup-everflow.html/?q=CJ3G52G

These are the former integrated links that we were using for regular and email affiliate signups - these links are live but the form shows an error upon submission: 
Regular Affiliate:
And the automationify portal for KYC management - this exists and functions but it is not receiving the signup data:
The previous integrations met the following requirements:
When Affiliate signup form submitted (whether regular or email affiliate):
 - submission creates an Affiliate Lead in Salesforce (if contact or account exists in salesforce already, alert admin to merge duplicates)
- submission creates pending affiliate in Everflow
- submission creates affiliate KYC case in automationify portal, triggering email to be sent with a unique link for affiliate to click and fill in their KYC form (and automated reminders if KYC is not submitted promptly)
*If the AM referral field contains the name of an AM, then that person is automatically assigned the lead/pending affiliate
**If the AM referral field is blank then Milad had setup an automation to assign it to the AM based in their location/time zone
 An email form that would go out to either the AM that was specified in the AM referral field, or to David G, to alert them to new signup
The email contained 2 buttons/integrated links - approve or deny the affiliate application. 

By clicking the approve link within the email the following would happen:
- approved as an affiliate in everflow and assigned an affid
- the affiliate would be converted from a lead to an active account in salesforce and the affid field would be populated with the everflow id
- the legal team would be alerted that the affiliate was approved and would trigger a process of automated reminders and prompts/threats to get KYC information complete as soon as possible. 

If the AM did not click the link in the email to approve the affiliate application, legal would continue with the automated KYC process, and would inform the AM when all legal documents were complete, at which point they could again have a chance to approve or deny the affiliate. 

If the AM clicks the deny link, then the KYC automation pauses and the application process stops.
There were also a number of automated reports that would go out weekly and biweekly to David G and to AMs to inform them of affiliate KYC status, including the backlog of affiliates that were moved over from cake and who were added to the KYC automation process.

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