Integration Package & dotCMS Plan


Status Tracking

DescriptionEstimate (hr)AssigneeStart dateJira & StatusNote

Refactor Integration Package

1Review and refactor code to vanilla javascript 32

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-1 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • This is to improve our capability to support all clients, no matter what language or framework they use (pure javascript, jQuery, React, Angular, VueJS, etc.).
  • Optimize code to improve performance
2Create document UI page16

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-2 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Like Swagger UI page
3Test the Integration Package8

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-3 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test the full workflow of checkout

Refactor JS code for funnel and create widgets

4Product List widget8

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-4 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5Customer Information Form widget6

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-5 - Getting issue details... STATUS

6Address Form widget6

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-6 - Getting issue details... STATUS

7Credit Card widget8

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-7 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8PayPal widget8

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-8 - Getting issue details... STATUS

9Payment CTA widget6

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-9 - Getting issue details... STATUS

10Warranty widget8

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-10 - Getting issue details... STATUS

11DMCA & GTM widget4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-11 - Getting issue details... STATUS

12Loading Bar widget4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-12 - Getting issue details... STATUS

13Cake Tracking Pixel widget8

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-13 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Create HTML structure

14Create HTML page for Presale8

FE Dev

  IPDR-14 - Getting issue details... STATUS
15Create HTML page for Order8

FE Dev

  IPDR-15 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Create new templates

16Create Presale template4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-16 - Getting issue details... STATUS

17Create Order template4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-17 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Create content types

18Heading content type4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-18 - Getting issue details... STATUS

19WYSIWYG Editor content type4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS

20Video content type4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-20 - Getting issue details... STATUS

21Social Icons content type4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-21 - Getting issue details... STATUS

22CTA content type4

Toan Nguyen

IPDR-22 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test new framework

23Create test cases40QC  IPDR-23 - Getting issue details... STATUS
24Create sample pages using new templates, content types, and widgets4Toan Nguyen 
IPDR-24 - Getting issue details... STATUS

25Configure and deploy to AWS Test environment8Toan Nguyen 
IPDR-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS

26Verify sample pages16QC 
IPDR-26 - Getting issue details... STATUS

27Create Draft Guidelines8Khai Huynh  IPDR-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS
28Complete Guidelines8Martin  IPDR-28 - Getting issue details... STATUS
29UAT & Feedback16CM Team  IPDR-29 - Getting issue details... STATUS