Email Assets Requested

We have several offers that need email creative designed and coded for Verve email instance.

Each request includes:

1x Standalone Broadcast Email Creative

1x Abandon Cart Email Sequence consisting of 4 individual emails  

(use mobile klean example attached for reference)

Product and CTC


Jira Task

Product and CTC


Jira Task

2355 - OshenWatch Gen2 49.99{affiliate_id}&s1={sub1}&s2={sub2}&s3={sub3}&s4={offer_id}&s5={transaction_id}&domain1={tracking_domain}&network_id=69


1916 - Playbeatz (Gen2) 49.99



1927 - Playbeatz (Gen2) 39.99



2385 - OshenWatch Luxe



2371 - Blaux Oxi Level



2300 - Fever Patrol Ring 49.99



2319 - Kaydia Clip 49.99



2373 - Trifiboost 69.99



2378 - BetterThanZero 24.99/49.99



Blaux AC (regular not MVP)






Kaydia Patch (No CBD) 49.99



Mobile Klean Paper Soap $19.99



Second Sun