@Hoa Tran Xuan @Tim Shuvaloff @Sida Jiang @Ngoc Dang @Katie Yang @Paul Baxevanidis
Standard Popup
Note: double/triple half pops do not have delayed miniclick in the funnel
Note: please append link with "btnadd" when customers click on the popup’s CTA button, and if they choose no, then append link with "btncancel", similar to upsell pops clickid parameter.
Pricing Request Ticket: https://dfoglobal.atlassian.net/browse/AN-2382
Design: When user click on Paypal / checkout button, we will offer them a special offer as below:
If they order one unit we give them 3 units: https://dfoglobal.invisionapp.com/share/WQWXMO9TA4P#/414262111_Tripple_-_Pop_Up
If they order 2-4 units we double the order quantity: https://dfoglobal.invisionapp.com/share/T5WXLBMDMPS#/414252079_double_3_-_op_2