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On this page are explained all below topics:

(Campaign) Basic

In this section users should set:

  • The Campaign Name

  • The URLs type, which at least should have: Landing, Success, Error (see below example):

The Campaign Status should be set as:

  • Pending: when there is any information missing or incorrect on the page, which also means that the campaign is not yet ready to be online.

  • Active with Traffic: when the campaign configuration is complete successfully and it is ready to be launched online.

Campaign Settings

In this part of the page, users are able to:

  • set up the language for the campaign, by clicking on the first field Default Language

  • The Ticket Mailbox is going to be the inbox where all customers' inquiries will be coming in. Users can pick one of the mailboxes available when clicking on the Ticket Mailbox field

  • The Internal Campaign Name and Parent Campaign fields contain information that is ONLY used by the Analytics team. Therefore, please refer to the DFO Analytics team on how to fill these two boxes.

Campaign Type Settings

Users should pick one of the two options, by switching to ON the toggle:

  • Is Single Offer: this is the most used choice for DFO, which implies one funnel with just one main product and, if available, upsells. The funnel brings customers directly to the one product checkout page.

  • Is Shopping Cart: for this offer, there are multiple products that customers can add to their cart and buy at the same time.

Payment Settings (Set up Taxes)

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On the Payment Settings sub-section, users can configure

  • The tax model to apply on their pages

  • Whether the products offered on the landing page will have the prices displayed alone or with the tax information on them after the purchase has been completed or not

  • etc.

With the CRM, users can choose within 3 different tax models:

  • DFO

  • Avalara (third party service integrated with eManage)

  • TaxJar (third party service integrated with eManage)

Allow Pre-Authorization toggle

Having the switch Allow Pre-Authorization turned ON will allow the purchases to be verified by a 2-step authorization, where the payment provider would receive the information of a new transaction, and only after the payment provider replies authorizing it, the transaction would be completed.

Charge Tax toggle

Having the switch Charge Tax turned to ON will allow the user to decide whether DFO or a third party company called Avalara or TaxJar would process the calculation of all taxes involved in the transaction, calculating them by country rule, depending on where the product was configured to be available at.

Please verify the document page below for more on this topic: Taxes

Allow check and cash toggle

Tax included in Price? toggle

Last but not least, having the switch Tax Included in Price? turn to ON will allow the user to decide whether the user would like the product taxes information to be displayed at the landing, prior to or after the customer buys his item live.

Create Tax Transaction? toggle

Shipping Settings


Verify Customer’s Personal Info


Web Key

Email Settings

Individual Emails

This is a “Yes/No” switch that allows you to decide whether you are going to set email messages to be sent to customers who buy the products to receive one email message at a time for each of the steps related to the purchase.
Once customers are in the landing page to buy the product of this campaign and proceed with the purchase, they will receive an email confirmation related to the order. Then, once the items go to fulfillment, customers will receive another email confirmation, this time letting them know the tracking number of the item and another email confirmation letting them know other information related to the delivery and so and forth.

Therefore, turning the switch to “Yes” will make the system send one email message at a time for each of steps of the system, from beginning to end, to know: one for Activation Code, one for Come Back, one for Customer Address Verification, one for Customer Password, one for Delivered Confirmation, one for Delivery Delay 2 days, one for Delivery Delay 3 days, one for 14 days, one for 21 days, one for 30 days, and etc..

If you decide to leave the switch set to “No”, then you will have to jump to the “Bundled Emails” switch topic, explained better below.

Bundled Emails

This is another “Yes/No“ switch. Once you set this one to “Yes”, the Individual Emails switch will automatically move to “No” and vice-versa.

And what does this switch do? Simple: the opposite to the Individual Emails switch. It sets all the email messages to be sent at once to customers after their purchase, meaning they will no longer receive one email message at a time, but all at once. This can be selected if you do not want your customers to be harassed with several email messages every time a step is taken towards delivering the products to them.

Lifetime Warranty Exception

Please note that an exception has been created for the Lifetime Warranty email.

Even in cases where both the main campaign and all its upsells campaigns, including the Lifetime Warranty, have been set on the Email Settings section, as Bundled, the NORMAL BEHAVIOR is that the Lifetime Warranty email will still be sent out as separate and individual email (see below image example).


 What is the behaviour with the upsells in case I select one or the other Email Configuration Switches?

By selecting either of the switches, the upsells of the campaign being configured will follow the pattern chosen for the main campaign, allowing upsells to be used for both, main campaigns configured with “Bundled Emails” and/or “Individual Emails”.
If the main campaign is configured with the switch “Individual Emails” set to on, then one email message will be sent to each of the upsell payment confirmations displayed at the main order page, one for each upsells at a time.
If the main campaign is configured with the switch “Bundled Emails“ set to on, then the main order and all its upsells will generate only one email message to be sent to customers after they reach the “Thank You” page.

 How long does it take for the Confirmation emails to be sent, once the customer has placed the order?

There are 2 scenarios:

  1. If in the Campaigns (main and upsells), the Email Settings have been set as Individual: the confirmations emails will be sent in real-time. In other words, as soon as the main order is placed, the system will trigger the main order confirmation email. The same logic applies for the upsells, as soon as the upsell order is confirmed by the customer, the upsell order confirmation email is sent, and so on.

  2. If in the Campaigns (main and upsells), the Email Settings have been set as Bundled: the confirmation email is sent once the customer has gone through the entire funnel and he/she has reached the “Thank you Page”. However, in case the customer doesn’t go through the entire funnel, so the upsells, and not reaching the “Thank you Page”, in this particular case the confirmation email is triggered between 15 up to 30 minutes the order has been placed.

 If I change the Email Settings, in a campaign that is live, could this affect the traffic/sales?

No, it couldn’t. However, please note that due to the cache, orders placed within the first 30 minutes after the update, the order confirmation email could be received with some delay.

Use same SMTP configuration for all templates

Campaigns list of Customized Template with language XXXX

Customer service template for this campaign


SMTP Settings

Email Template

Is Required?


Country Settings


On the Products section, users can add preexisting products or the products that have been just created in the system to the campaign.

First, type the first letters of the name of the product in the Product Name box to then select it from the dropdown list.

Second, on the Sale Type dropdown box, select one of the three option, Continuity Sale, Hard Sale or Installments Sale.

Third, on the Sales Model dropdown box, there is a good range of the different sales models to choose from, as you can see below:

  • 1 Day Subscription: (to be edited)

  • Risk-Free Trial: customers who purchase the product you are adding to the campaign can test the item before paying for it for free for 15, 21, 45, etc., days to only then opt whether they want to keep the product or return it.

  • FunnelBox: (to be edited)

  • Pre-Order: (to be edited)

  • Pre-Sale: (to be edited)

  • Special Warranty Sale: (to be edited)

  • Straight Sale: (to be edited)

  • Tax Setup Homol: (to be edited)

  • Taxes: (to be edited)

Lastly, on the Product Sale Type, choose from a regular offer or a mini upsell (Presale Pop).

Once you have edited all fields and hit the Add green button, the product will appear on the panel below the selectable fields, accompanied by the columns displaying all you have chosen and a set of five buttons.

On the Actions column, the five buttons, from left to right, are:

  • Shipping Info: where you can change/edit from a huge variety of Shipping Methods available;

  • Price Formula: where you can add another Campaign Price Rule, choosing it by country or by currency;

  • Edit: where instead of editing the field Sales Model, you can set it product by product already present in the list, if you, by some reason, is editing a campaign already containing added products in it. Just do it as you would if you were adding a new item to the list, choose the options from Sale Type, Sales Workflow and Product Sales Type fields then hit update and your edition will be automatically added to the product edited.

  • Add Brand: where you can add a new brand to the product being edited;

  • Delete: where you delete the product from the list of products that will compose the campaign.

After finish editing all your preferences inside the campaign, do not forget to hit Save before leaving the page, or your progress will be lost.

Presale Pop

On this new section, the Presale Pop, users can set the Free Trial feature up for the campaign they are editing. On that section you will find:

  • a Default selectable icon

  • a Link to Products selectable icon

  • a Product Name dropdown box

  • a Select From All Products selectable icon

  • a Select From Related Products selectable icon

  • a Mini Upsell Product dropdown box

  • a Sales Model dropdown box

  • a green Add button


By choosing the Default selectable icon, users will be able to

Link to Products

By choosing the Link to Products selectable icon, users will be able to

Product Name

On the Product Name dropdown box users will be able to select from

Select From All Products

By choosing the Select From All Products selectable icon, users will be able to

Select From Related Products

By choosing the Select From Related Products selectable icon, users will be able to

Mini Upsell Product

On the Product Mini Upsell Product dropdown box users will be able to select from

Sales Model

On the Sales Model dropdown box users will be able to select from


The green Add button is the second to last action users should perform before saving the edition of the Free Trial to a campaign.

Once all editing is done, hitting the green Save button must be performed in order to make all changes tak place.


Coupon Settings


Payment Providers

Search and Select Payment Providers

Payment provider

Is Cascade Only

How many MIDs are there inside the payment provider? If you hit “Edit”, in the “Actions” column, you will be able to verify how many PRNs are inside each payment provider.

Let’s say you have configured your campaign to work with BlueSnap and StripeDirectCharge. If BlueSnap has got 3 MIDs configured, how many are there inside StripeDirectCharge? That would be 13 MIDs.

The functionality “Is Cascade Only” was developed so the distribution of payments operated by the payment providers available inside a campaign gets well balanced. A backend code inside eManage CRM system makes sure transactions are well distributed among the payment providers, so they do not run through all the PRNs inside only one provider before jumping on to the next provider. By selecting the payment providers, or ticking those boxes, the provider won’t cascade transactions in it. Leaving it as default, where the boxes are not ticked, means that the cascade feature will work and transactions will be fairly shared among the payment providers.


Payment Countries

Email Service Providers

falar do que é e quais são

abaixo tem a doc do Drip e do Klaviyo

Email Service Providers

Fraud Prevention

Custom Fields

Customer Service Phones


Gift Card


Facebook Conversion


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