Test Results - Jul 16 - 22


  • Live Tests - Came together EOW; we have two new "custom" trust seal tests live with Pascal's localization advice, two new checkout tests on TV Fix EN and MindInsole EN, and three price sensitivity upsell tests. 

  • Finished publishing split test results from last week on Wednesday morning, again, thanks Khai

  • Testing a higher price point with Millenia on MindInsole, Marco will be testing Euphoric with Swell MIDs

  • Unfortunately, we got no significant test results this week. They should all be able to conclude by Monday/Tuesday though, so it's just a back-loaded week. Same with traffic, it peaked near the end.

  • Couldn't wrap up the move from Swell to Strong Current, but we'll be ready for that after the weekend. Testing it now (it's live) to double make sure we have no conversion rate issues. So far so good, our cascade logic is better so I'm expecting improved performance.